Forest Fires In Kentucky
Clovekport, April 1. - Tht) most destructive foresc fire evtr seon here is now raging a few miles back of üloverport. One person is known to have perisivssl, and the property loss will run luto r.Qe hundreils of thousailds. Tiio Atre sfarLikl In the southern part ol Hanoock count?, and the high wind of Ihe pint two days carried it eastward into Breckinridge county, Bweeping evcrythinjr in ita path. The firo travellod govcn miles and entered the lands of the Breckinridge company surrouuding the minlng villaga of Victoria, and overything of value was deBtroyed. Professor C. M. Bruner, of Lewisport, was found dead in the smoking forest. Kis horse carne doshing into Victoria ridurless. Professor Brunor was a member of the Hancock coiinty board of examinen and formerly a raember of the faculty of the National Normal universlty of Lebanon, O Ho was passing through the woods on horsph:i.-k wlien lio was surrounded by a nigiusr flre. In trying to urgs the animal through the flVe the horse was severely burnod and beoame unmanageable and threw lts ridar. In the fall he struck a hharp stake which penctrated his side. In a sliort time he was burned alivo. Cincinnati, April I.- A epecial from McKinuoy. Ky., says: Forest lires burned fWrcely here ior twancy-four hours. The wind blew hard and it was impossible to control the üarues Pieroo Jones was the greatest sutfercr, ïhe fltimes closed in upon hi home and licked uphlsentire possessioas. Nop a building was left aiandingand the family barely escaped with their livus. ïhe loss in Kontuoky is estimated at t300,000. Ne;ir Bowling Green, ICy.. Otis Smid), James r.iters and Henry Etler lost their homos; Eilor was fatally burned, and ii Degro farm hand was burned to death on Etler' 8 piace. The wife of James V. Penny, in tho Lndiaua burning district, is missing and bolioved to have perisht-d. The total de:ith now foots up one woman, three white man and two nep; roes. VAKOBBUBa, Kf., April 1.- The forest flres in this county and surrounding coun'ties are spreouing and fires becoming Mmost as bnö on the Ohio side of the rivor, betnetjn Portsmouth and West Union.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News