Gore Replies To His Critics
Üpringfield, April 1.- State Auditor ïore bas given ouc a long reply to pubished reports couoeruing the conduct of affairs in liis office. He says in part that the banking department was established while Pavey was in office, and the nethods thon adoptod have been folowed ever sinee, thoy being, as he (Gore) understood, in aecordanoe with the at.orney general' s interpretation of tiie aw. He spiaks of charges of exorbitant charges bytixaminers f or services, and says hey are not arbitrary charges, but iixed by aw. The exnminer is allowed daily compónatiou and niileuLie, whioh latter is intended to cover the actual expense and the tima tabón to prepare reports and in travel. Itis impracticable to pro rate the mileage, and a starcing point for travel inu.it' ba 1'ecogniz.öd which has naturally buen Spcingñeld. To fix routes in advancawould enablethe banks toanticipate the visits of examiners. He insists that a uniform rule of charglng mileiige froru öpringiield is the only fiiir and practicable one. He denies that thera are ariy unpaid or disputed bilis for bank exainination pending; says-that the strictures on the building and loan department are inexcusable. He is willing to abide by the judgment !n this matter of those directly interested, and closes by saylng that charges that any of the fees of his üíüce hiivtí been approprlated wrongfully are lalsehoods pure and simple.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News