Miss Anna Dickinson's Damage Case
bCKANTOX, Pa., April 1. - In ilie case of Miss Anna Dickinson two insanity experts testiüed that Miss Diokinson was a paranoias. The delenae then rested and Mrs. Jessie Winterstein who was an ttendaut at the Danvllle asylumwhen Anna Dickinson was thtjre, said the patiënt showeit no signs of insanity. Mrs. McDonald, of Wilkosbarro, who twenty-one yearg ago was Miss üickinson's travelling maid, sworu she never saw any sign of insanity in the plaintiff. When questioned abuut the alleged whisky drinking she would snys nothing deiinite. She kuew muny paople were jenlous of Miss Dickinson, because of remarks that were pubhsheil; Whitelaw Keid was one. Asked what wonien were jealous she said she knew nothing tuout them; soma of the woinen stock were not muoh account. The telegrama sent by Miss Dickinson to Goveruor Pattison, Jay Gould and others were put In evidence.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News