Four Men Seriously Hurt
Xewcomekstown, O., April 1.- A westbouud freight train was wrecked on tho Panhandle about a milu east of here and tour youug men were seriously if not fatally injured. John Wilson, of Tusearawas; Oscar Hnrsey, of Booth; William Mercer ind Willis Berkshire, both of the laCter place, are the victimï. ïhe men wanted to oatch a freight irain and got on the end of a car. As the train ap(jroachod a colusión took plauu. Wilsou was thrown iutothe ditch and can hardly recover; Berkshire lost both legn below the knee, and will die; Hursey's right arm wns btoken in two places, aud Mercor ïaU lus slioulder crushod and was injured nternally.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News