Mr. Lew H. Clement is home "rom an extended business trip. Supt. Hathaway, of Flint, was an rgus caller last Saturday. Mrs. Guiñan and Mrs. Fay Dilon, of Petoskey, are visiting in this :ity. Mrs. A. 1). Seyler entertained her son Julius V. Seyler from Detroit, ■sunday. Supervisors Dancer, Young, Mcuillan, Walter and 'Alber, were in uhe city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Howlett, of ..yndon, visited their brotlier, F. A. Híowlett, Saturday. Wallace G. Palmer, with Calkins' Dharmacy, goes to Detroit soon to iccept a position with F. W. R. Penny. Mrs. H. A. Hammond, of Saline, who has been to guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Lewis, returned lome, yesterday. Rudolph Lutz, of Masón, is visiting friends in this city. Miss Grace E. Raffensperger, :rom the Cincinnati school of music, is at home with her mother this week. Mrs. C. 1'. Kimball is entertainíng her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Royal S. Williams, of Wyoming, la., for a couple of weeks.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News