If you want a folding bed remember I have a splendid line of them from $50.00 down as low as $8.00, the latter guaranteed as well as the high priced ones. 25-26 Martin Hai.i.kk. Robes and blankets at low prices or the next thirty days at Fred Theurer's, 12 West Liberty. tf Have Martin Haller quote you pnces on recovering your parlor furniture. He has the largest stock of covering and material and employs oniy reliable workmen. 25-26 As a progressive dealer, 1 take pleasure in asking your attention to my stock of furniture, carpets, and draperies. Spring time is about here and with it comes the refurnishing of the home. As all housekeepers are making preparations for spring cleaning you will be looking for one or another piece needed in your home to make it more comfortable,or wish to have your furniture made over and covered, bear in mind I am able to take care of you and do justice to your wants. Respectfully, 25-26 Martin Chancery Sale. N rUHSUA.NCF. AND KV V1RTUE OF AN 01 Uer aDfl deoree of the Circuit Oourt tor thé County of Washtenaw, In chancery, ia the State of Michigan, made and dated the twenly-nintli day of Mareh, A. D 181(5. in :i oertaln cause tliertiin pending, wherein Patrtck Ke&rney is ooinplainant and Lewis F. Alher 3 dolend nt. Notice is hereby friven tliatJsball Bell at public aui-tion. to the higbest, binder, at the soutli front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arhor, in said Connty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, said Court. House belngthe place for bolding the Circuit Court for aaid county, on fc'riday, the tentli day of Muy. A. II i.SOf), at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to ralse the amonntdue to sald complainant for principal, interest and costs in rhis cause, all toe followinir described pieoee or pareéis of land sitúate In the townsbip of Northjield, Oounty of Wnahtenaw and State of Michigan, and déscribod as folloive, to-wit: Commenolng at the soutneast corner of tho went hall' of the northwest ciuarter of section Mumber twenty in township one south, range m enst. Wtat.e ol' Mfcliiif:! n. runuimï thence west 011 the ast and west quaxter line of said Beotlon loitv-l'our rodsand fourteen and onetliii-d feettoaBtake in the hlghway; thence tiorthevly to the north line ol said seetlon toa point thérein the di8tannt l'rom which to the nortlieast corner of thewest half of the nonhvesi marter of sald section shall bear the sAme imiportion towidtb of the uorth end of said half 11118 rter section, which forty-four rods, fourteen and one-third feet b"!r to the wtdth of the south end of said half-quarter section ; thence east 011 the north line of eaid seetiou to the nortlieast corner of said halfqnarter Beotlon; (honce south parallel with the weit sideof said ectlon to the east and west quarterlineöf id section to the pl-jce ofbeïinninji, ciintaiuiniiforiy-fom andseveneiehUffi acres, moie or less. Also. comnienciiü urne roda and two feet. east from the southwoBt corner of sa iil lialHiuarter (t ion ; running thence north parallel With thewest line of said section echteen and one-half rods toastake; t henee east thirteen rods; thence soui h etgbteen and one-half rods to a stake In the hlghway; t henee wesi to the of bealniiins. And also the right to oocupy and enjoy the land now covered by i lie hhicksroith shop on sftid half-quarter section as loiijr as t be same shall be used as a blackamlth'i shop, and sucli ihóp shall ccase to be OOCupied as a hlacksnnth's shop, then tut) of the Kiantee or mortiiagee to the landa covered by auch -hop shall eeas(. Saúl sale will be made m accorda nee with t he teiins ol' :i'u decree. Dated Ann Albor. Michigan. April 2, ISBS. O. ELMEE BUrrERFIELl). Circuit Court Commissioner In and lor waghti-iiKw (;ounty. Michigan. THOS. D. KKÁRNEY, Solicito)1 for 1 'onipla nam .
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News