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VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.VVWX.íVi, AfíerTHREEMONTIISi of Daily Wear I This Collar ís Still in Good Condition. That'sbecause it'sthe"CELLül.OiD" 5 Collar. Its original cost v?as 2; ets. í? and it cosí the wearer nothing 1 jí wardsto keep it clean. When soiled, s 5 eimply wipe off with sponge or wet 5 cloth. % These collars and cuffs are ? %proc', and are the only waterprc ff Jí;ooq3 inade wivh an interlining of Jlinsii; thcrcfon.' the onlv ones thi c?.-. las. ai;d p i ve absolute ti, .'. tii .. .í-c-y pie ce oí the ycuuine i: '.; I si mpc ! as folio ws: J Refnse anything that is ntrt marked, and if your dealer has 1 got the right kind send direct if iw, ? Scnclosing amount, and v,e wiü maij S Syou a sample postpaid. Collars 25 á Jets. each. Cutís 50 ets. pair. Oivej jlsize, and state whether stand-up or i ;tumed-down collar is wauted. THE CELLULOID COM PAN Y, I ! 427-39 BroadwBT, NEW YORK. 2 Sea!ed Bids. Sealed bids will be received at tlie office of the City Clerk until 12 ín. Wednesday, April 3, 1895, íor the purpose of building a dog pound according lo plans and specifieation now on lile at that office. By order of tli Board of PuWic Woiks. Dated Mareh27th, 1595. Gle.n V. Milis, GRAND OPERA HOUSE Gne Night Oniy Wednedsay, April 3d. ENGAGEMENT OF ROSE ÜHLAH And Her Great Company of Playera, ander the direction of HeNky J lesüe, Presenting for the first time liere, Sardou's most powerful play. 'DÍPLOMACY'" Priees, 35e, 50e, 75e and $1.00 Reserved seats on sale a. Watls' lewelry Store. Estáte of Josiah Hathaway. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wasutf.naw, SS. At ;i aession ol tht Probate Court for the County of Washtennw. holden at the Probate Office in tiie City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, Uie nth day of Maren, In the yer onethousand eight hundiedand niuety-liv. Present..!. Wiliard Babbitt, Judse ot Probate. In the matter ol lheetateof Josiah Huthawny. deceased. O" re.iding and flling thr pi-tit'on, duly Trifiel, of Aluieron ÍJ. Hathawm, praying that partition be h'id o" the rea! estáte uf wliich suiil deC0asedLdtad stized. Thert-upou it is rdcrcd that Wednelay, the 2lth day of April teu o'clock in thelorenoon, le as-iigued i'or ibe hearing of said petilion, :ind that the hein ftt liiw oí aaid dccensed, aud uil other persons intereted in said eHtatc, atfl n - quired to nppear nt ;t peBslOn of said court, thfii tobe holden at the probate oifiee, in Ibtoityof nn Arbor. aDd ehow cause, ifany th re be.wdy i he pravor of the ]etitiou(írshouUÍ uot be graotea. And it is 1'nrtber ordered, that said potitiooer ivi notiee to the persous inti'ruSted in said estáte, oí the pendencv of aaid petiüou, aud the hearing theivol' by oauuing a cupy of thia nrder to be puhlinhed in the Aan Arbor AfK'". newspafn i , printed undcirculated in said coniity, tliree aoocefthtve wcck previous to unid dav f hearing. J. WILLARDBABKIIT, Judg' ol' PrnK'ite. t (A true copy. i Wiixia.m (.í. Dui'ï, Fro'mte Register. Commissioners.' Noice. S1AIE OF ÍÓCHÍGAN, ÓOTJNTY OS Washtenaw. The uuderslgned harinit Ixen appointed by the Probate Court for suid Couniy, jOuimissionerB to receive, examine and acjrat ( all claim ■ nd dcinandi" of all persons asainsf. td' estáte oí Amanda ;. Huck, liilf of aid County. ' deceased, hereby give jioticc thai -ix montli ttau dale are allowed, by order 01 said )'robate Court, for L'redi tors to present tbetr claims against the i estáte of said deceased, and that they wil 1 weet ut j ;hf late residence oí' said dei'eased in thecity ol' Ann - Arbor, in said county, on tbu firt day of June ( ind on the seco ml du of t-epterviber oen, at ten o'clock A. M. of cach of said days, to receive, . examine and adjust said claimt. Dnteil Ann Arbor Mar-h 1, 189j. BLEAZEK B. CAIKINS W1LI.AUD 1!. HEND1UCKW, ComiAisaiósexs. Notice to Creclitors. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COU.NTV of Wahtenaw,ss. Noticeis henby given, i).i i bv an order of the Probate i'ouit for Counly of Washtenuw, made on the 2Kth day of Januury A P. 18fl5,!tix monthsfrom that dale were allowed forcreditors to present tbeir claims againat the eetate of Ann Mullreunau, Inte of said county, deceaaed, imd that nll ireihtors of said de■ase.t are reiiuired to present their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate orhec in the city of Acu Arhor, for ex.iuiination and j on or betbre the aSth day of July next, and that buch claims will be heurd before said Court, on thJ9th day of April and on the 2oth day o! July iiext, at teu o'clock in the foreuoou , of each of aid dayc. Dattd, Ann Arbor, January 28, A. D. 1SW. .1. WILLAKD BAItBll'r. JlLe ofPvobate. j


Ann Arbor Argus
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