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Michigan CmüSSL " Ih Niágara FaUs Rouie." ri.MS VAÜVS (ltuvised) NOV. [8, 181M. (JENTRAL STANDARD TIMlu a : - : 5 : : & 3 000:00 ;7233 ; ' ■íiaií-; íat& Sa : i si I""! sT : ala : : ose 5 ::;, ■ L i1 ; ce -' n C L-! - : 'fHts i sa si i es 2 w o. se a b. H I os a ti S iT: iSS n B9 ; : : 6 wa :: ;e.3 3 aa. ; :;:=. h ; : J83 S4 fe S3 :sy i : :2S OS;;;COjt p t jW ' (OS " S I SB : : : í 3 3 a ; ' . ; : : . r as S ['■?'- '■ ' ;J8S so) 'CT; ■ ■ o -e" Ë"ïiïT; Ts 'Tss : : : ; 9 to es & : ■ : i as on ce tt ; : ; & , gg : ss a - 9S ;as i : . sa s""c . Tg ; a =i So. te - ; es a ê ssssssasss iasaasssBs I4!.i!i!lri í'íísySiiii a -i. i i i; S Üjáfi ij O.W.EUQULl'B H. W.HAYES. G.P. &Ï. Ago Chlcaíío. Ag'tAnnA r yyt A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Dlseases of the EYE, KAK, NOSE and T1IUOAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington Strcvt-. Uefidence, 14 S. State Street. Resideuco tolvphone, No. 12$. Office tolephoue No. VM. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. LOUIS aOHDE, Coa! & Wood Lehigh Valley Ctoal, $6.00 per ton. Beech ;ihii:.i;iplel!locks, $2.50 a cord. Beech íind Maple, 4 feet, Ï6.50 a cord Main Office - 3C E. lluron ütreet. Yards- Ö0 West Enron Street. LIVER PILLS Will stimulate a sluggish system into íieallliy action. MAHN'S DRUG STORE, 39 8. Main Street. S WHITE TOKAY 'Ib ücit for all I'urposes, MASN BROS., Druggists. 39 S. Main St.' - ;ANN ARBOR. A G&LANI3 OFITTSSEtl CDEK MME. A. RÜPPERT'S rn FACE BLEACH -tMME. A. RUPPERT T- j Ma. snys: "lupprociute ti frjH t h a t tbero are niíijiy tlioutggegi Suite thatwouiü likcï)try BK iv.y World-Keiiüwnod Kack " R BlbaCH: but hitve beri V -- fcept fium dolng bo on acountöf prlce,whichlt2.00 ' per bottleor ;ibouiest:tk-n BBS toetlier, í.üO. Ín ortier jffig tbut uil of these muy baro .,' :u o p portan i t y, I wtllgfVQ ö" toovery ciiller, absolute!] fií-t.1. a sample bottl'1, and Jj sy Zxírliiriier tosnpply tluweout r'ts=-sa; - z.- of city,or In ony partof the woridjwïïlpomi líisafeíy packedln plainwi . aUcbarnesprepaici, tur 25 cents, silveror SL-aiip." ín evirycnef freckOa, piraplps.niotb, sallowney,blu.ckhei1s,acne,eczeiii:i,(nlinuss.nimh- Deaa or any dteoploratlon or disenso of tin; skin, and vrinklcs (nt en u sed by facial eiproMlón] Kach BLBACHjoniovea abêolutely. It does not ooverup, uooñuetloá do, but ím a cure. AcLdress M.í il.LME A. 3lITFrERT,(Dept.O.) No. 6 EíOetí4thSt.f NEW VORK CITY, TfíE áRT üMATEÜR Best . . . .. ;. 'A Practical Art Magazine. (TIn-dr : Vu Menodtool awarded a MedMl m the (Vurid'a Kn'i-.) l;,rj 1 ..i," iíiii wi&h tu makt thelrlMngbu ,'i-i .i, ■ .. 11, ii limne beaidifitl Pfip lí'r v ■ 'v:;' ''"■' 'v any oiie "i f rii uu luentionlug th1s I í l tfon 11 -;'riiiii oopy, wiih Rupoi-li XWw coló plíilea líoroopylng or framiiur) itnd f su pplor.ientary pagesol desiKiisn-egulaiprico liict. i 10K -se we will send aKr'Iann!í for Kejiimiern" (HQ jit- M!NTA(;l Ií MAKKH, .; l'utoii Square, 9i. V. n - TT" ISÍsW Grocerí Telephone 156 ' 7 Ponadí" Granulated Sugar For 25 cts. ' Foi a short time on tlie followingterms only: I i. ë. prOvided $3 worth of other goods are pin i ti ied witli tiie same order. '1 i no tU'ception intliis ofter. It is foi ihelKsl ranulated sugar in ihe mai-ket No txir.i p ce i Ided to other goods. Being estahltstied Iji.h i slunt time we make lilis liberal iinlin vme.l w'nh a view of geting your fii'n e Ira'le. Telephone 156. lili L CO., Lt'i ; Weinmann Block, 37 E Washington Streetí


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