Thousands At Friedrichsruhe
Beulin, April 1.- Nothlng preventing- and nothing except a national calarnlty can prevent - today and tonight (today is the actual anniversary of Bismarck's birth- he is 60 years old) will witness such a popular demonstration as has not been witnessed since the return to Berlín of the conqueringr armies froin Franoe. Every preparation has been ïnado at Friedrichsruhe to acoommodato the vast orowds. The decoration of the station ïas been concluded and the roadway :rom the station to the Schloss has beeu transforniod by willing hands into a veritable triuruphal arcade. A beautiful work of art, the gift of inhabitants of Anhiilt, who took up a subscripción for the purpose, has been ereotod in a field overlooking the prince's home. The work, which is in bronza, represents a arge stag keeping two dogs at bay. Thousands of visitors have arrived at Triedrichsruhe, huping that they inay get a gliinpse of the princu. Quite a fair has )een established In the vicinity of the staion. Retirement booths havo been rected, and here and thero and everyvhere areitinerautpurveyorsof Bismarck )O6t cards, medals, portraits, and memenoes of tvery descriptlon. Quite a ing trade is boingr dono. During yesterday afternoon the sky became overcast and then followed, off and on, drenohing Bhowers, ïüe rain, howevor, was not sufficient to dampen the enthusiasra of the sightseers #nd holiday makers, and bet ween the showers crowds would watoh the grounds surrounding the prince's residence hoping that perchance they inight got a glimpse oL hiru they had come to honor. Bismarck has receivod his firet congratulatory telegram trom a crowned hiVr.a outslüo of Germiiny. 1c was from Kitig Jscar of S weden, and eontainert a gruceil expression of his majesty's interest in ie occasion, with prosents for t.he aged atesman. Every post brings hundreds f congratulatory letters, not only from eople in Germany, but from Germans ind others throughout the civilized world. ?housands upon thouaands of special Bisïarck post cards havo been sold, and a ;roat number have beon mailed to the Jnited States. ïhose in Germany who ïav; received thein have put themcaroully away to be preserved as memeutoes f the iron chancellor and the great outouring of the public heart in his honor. üne of the most unique phases of conratulation wilt be the bonfires. day bonflres will bo lightedon raost of th mountains and high hills of G-ermany so as to form, as íar as posslble, a chain oí beacon lights coveriug the wholo country. ín the Knino country tho pooplo liave arrau(.d Co lisjht all the high points frora Draoheoféls co Hiulcsheini. The Germán I Alp'.no socin.v will Uijht beacons at the mos copgplououa points in the Silesian and Hartz muuütains and in the Palatinato. The Kyffhauser, near Nordhausou, will bc wit.h beacona. The authorïties of Afyslowitz will light this evoning a big bonflre at the Three Emperor Corner, a MU at which tho Russian, Austrian and Germán borders nieot, and to meet thero wlth the people and sing "The Watcli in the Baat Mark."
Ann Arbor Argus
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