Killed By Alleged Anti-toxine
New York, April 1.- A fluid supposed to havo been antitoxine waa injected into the left arm of Bertha M. Valontine, 17 years old, of Brooklyn, to curo a slight attacii of diphtheriu. The girl died in awful agony in Usss thau ten minutes. Dr. J. L. Kortrlghc, who injeoted the fluid, said: "Whcn the anti-toxino was prepared In (jcrmiiny soms powerful poiaon must have biooine mixed with it by mistute. 1 sent the girl's iather tor the prepiir:vtion and when he hamled me the woodeu box contoining the vial it was so tightly sealed 1 eould soarcely open it. "When 1 opened the box and reached the vial, whioh eontainod between two and a half and threo drachms, it was tightly corked and soaled. The fluid was pinkish, of the same color as the other anti-toxine 1 havo used. Alrnost as soon as I had injected the fluid into Miss Valentine's arm she became uneasy. Then ghe complained of a ticklist sensation in her throat and all over her body. She was then seized with convulsiona, and never before in iny hfe have I seen such a horrible death."
Ann Arbor Argus
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