Our Unrivaled Weather
Chicago, April 1. - Rain began falling horo yesterday morning and kept it up all day and most of the night. The same sort oí weuther has visited the uorthwest as far as South Dakota, and people are standing in ie and enjoying it, so long has ie been since thore was a rainfall. Farmers in the northwesb had plowed their lands and sowed their wheat iu the dust, and this rain is a, godsend. It is reported at Sioux Falls, S. D. ; Des Moines, la.; Liacon, Illg. ; Marshaütown, Ia. Paris, Ma, aad in southorn Minnesota. While this grateful sort ot' weather prevails in the región noted Colorado has experienced a snow s,torm of great severity, the fall beíng eighteen inohes in some places and railway traillo embarrassed in every directiun. Rain or snow has lallen ín nearly every county in eascern and northorn Nebraaka,
Ann Arbor Argus
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