Assailant Of Li Hung Chang
Öhimonoseki, April 1.- Koyama Kokunseki, the young Japanese who atteinpted to assassinaie JLi Hung Chang, has been sentenced to penal servitude for Ute. The armistice establishod by the order of tho raikado extends to April 30, but ie wül termínate if the pour parlera are broken in uff the moantimts. According to the terms of the armistico the movement of troops and the transportation of contraband ut war by soa is forbidden. The new disiribution of troops not intended fco augment the armies in the fiold is allo wed. The armistioe does not embrace the island of Formosa, the roason being that when a claim of territory is to be made it is international law that the victorious beliigerent must have actual possession of the enemy's territory.
Ann Arbor Argus
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