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Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co.

Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co. image
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TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF DETBOIT, ivTICIE-a:. For the Year Ending December 31st, 1894. REVENUE ACCOUNT, Recoived f Premiums _ _ 1,108,6X8 Oü Recuivedior Interest and Rents ' 2a1) .698 19 Total locóme 1,342.50 27 Disburseraents forDeatli Claims, Divideuds, Matured Insurance, Surreuder Values, and all Expenses _ 9S6.546 04 Balance to Investment Account $ :j85,734 ïS ASSET ACCOUNT, Cash in Bank $ 181,787 68 First Mortgage Liens on Eeal Estáte. ..._ 8,338,311 71" Real Estáte, mcluding Home Office Building 430,377 ÍK Loans to Policy Holders 6ecured by Reserves 421,318 65 Agents' Balances 8,g4l 24 Bills Receivable ' 48,332 27 Bonds and Collaterals 40,823 75 Interest and Rents Accrued 71,01 86 Interest and Rente due 44,019 10 Outstanding Premiums, secured by Reserve Jfund 347,724 39 Deferred Premiums, secured by Reserve Fund 42,409 3 Total Assets j 94,968,007 LIABIL1TIES. Amount ot Reserve Fuud, American Table (i% percent) $4,388,727 M Depositsof Policy Holders 3,300 d Death Claims not due 17,680 59 Surplus i._._"_ _ 653,299 13 Total _ _ $4,963,007 28 New Risks Assumed In 1894 $6,254.713 O5 Increase of Assets 400,374 9+ Increase of Surplus 32,221 75 The Total Amount paid to Pollcy-Holders by thls Company to Date Is 5,264,936 55 O. R. LOOKER, President, JA11ES H. CÜMMIKS, Secretary. O. A. KENT, Vice-President. g. W. SANDBRS, Actuary. nOYÏ POST, 2nd Vice-President. C. A. DEVBNDORF, M. D., Med. Direcior.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News