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Real Estáte tor Sale OTATE OF MICHIGAN „■■ ; O oí Washtenaw-ss COüNTY dLásrti"ofui j.n.R tratornf the estáte c.f i . V,i ''-"ea "uminfc,. Hon Judge of j'r ]' ,,, . ''ït ! Washtenaw, on fhe láth day „mi County of ! I). 18M, there will ,o S0] :,' „hHeeniberA u the hlghest bidder, ai tbe eartfront!fn4ue the oourt nouee, in the ci y of a, a 1oorot the Coun.y of Waehtenawf , 4 d' ,rlior' ín the 25th day of April, A }) i4 '6' On o Vloek in the forenoon f thai da ■ ,,h ton all ènoumbraooes by mon " ' ñV JrJect to exlstimr at the timíoí the deith oí Se7l8e oeased) the tollowlng deecifbed',; Jietrinniujr at the north-west rnm. , , rmrn her four, in blook S S mS'JJ? COOk'8 additfon to the city of Ann' 4 tfls" accordlnjr to the leeorded p at tlxwnf urbor' south on the west line of 1. 1 J theuc thenoe east tl.ree rodfarid tweVS fcfc0' north parallel with flm Hne of uOL? street. thenet west three roiK „ , V scoclt tó the place of bennin eive feet Dated Marcb 9, 1806. LEONUAHD GÜCNEK _ Administrator. Estáte of Helen A. ReynokteT" STA?''Í OF MICHIGAN, COUNTy " of Washtenaw, s. At a session of e Proí,f Court for the Countyof W.shtenaw.holdeíats lJpl."?peLtthe CState ' hAAlexander V. Hbmüton, the guard'an of saH word, comes into court and representa that toí ..ow prepami to have the hearing npon hu a? coiints as rncb guwtdian, now on file in sa ia court' ThereuponitsoraeredthatTueSdaytl,e2nddar of April upxt, at len o'clock in the foreown beassigned for examining and allowiDB 8u"h and all other pcreons ioterested in said esTate ore reqmred t nppear at a session oí 8fd C-OU1;V th-"' l0 be holden at thtprobate oöioe, id the oity of Ann Arbor, in ssid counT, and show oauue, if uny there be whï th ?al(l account should not be allowed Aui ït is lurther ordeml thnt said guaidian iv?. notioe to the pcrsons.nteiested iu said estáte of the peudenuy of aaid atcouutand thehearinsthermf by causing a nopy of Urn order to be piiblished i n the Aun Arbor Argus, a newspaper printtd aad drcua-ingm said county, two succsMve weeks pie ïous to f aid dav of hearing J. W1LLARD BAB13ITT (Vtruecopy.) Judge of Probate. WlLl.IAM jr. Doty. Probate Résister. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Waahtenaw, as. Notice ie hereby eiven hatbyan order of the Probate Court for thé ounty of Washteuaw, mude on the j.Hh dnyof March A. D. 1895, six months from that date were Rllowed for rreditors to present their claim against the estáte of Daniel Sutherland, late of said county. deceased, and that all creditors pf aid deceased are requirea to present theirclaimj to aid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in liw ityof Ann Arbor, forexaminaiion andallowam on or before the 25 th day of September next, m d hat such claims will be heard before said C s n the 25th day of June, and on tho n day of September next, at tcu u'clock in tlie iu, - noon ofeach of said days. Datcd Auu Arbor, March 25, A D. 18!V J.WILLARD BAItBITT, Tudee ol Probaie Estáte ot Jacob Heinzmann. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY -of Washtenaw. Bik Ata HCfaionof the Probate Court for the County of Wasbteuaw, holden at the 'róbate Office in the oitv of Ann Arbor on 'uesdny, :the lath duy of Mareh, in the year ne tlumsand eight hundred hnd ninety-Bve. Present, J. Willard Babbut, Judgo of Probate Iu the matter of theestate of Jacbb Heinzmann eceased . On rs-ading and filinjr the petitionduly verifled, f Henry J. Slivnn, administrator, praylnc tht may be HcenBCd lo sell the real estáte woereol said deceased died seized, for distributiou. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, th fifth day of April next, at ten o'clook In the assigned for the hearinpr of said pelition, and that the heirs at law of said deceaaïd and all other persona interested in said estáte are required to appear at a aession of said pourt, then to be holden at the Probate Oflice, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the peütioner ihould not be granted: And it is fnrther ordered, that said petitiouer give notice to thepersons Ínterssted in said estáte, of the nundency of saici petition md the hearing thereof, bycauainga copy of this arder to be publislied in the Ann .Vruok Argds, i new8naper printed and cironlating in said county three Buecessive weeks previous to said dy of hearing. J. YVILT.ARD BABBITT, ,A truecopy) Judgeol Probate. William ö. Doty. Probate Rosrister.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News