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E. F. Mills & Co.

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Carpe! Peparbyieijt Occupying Entire2nd Floor- Reached by Eievator. Our Carpet Department lias n enviable repntation for carrying reliable ümnis -a reputation which we prize too higbly to snerifice. In no line of goods is quality so desirable is in Carpeta. A saviug of a few cents a yard is not to bc compai'ed witli xn extra year or two cf satisfactorj wear. Wc orry tlic BEST, but you will tiiul our prïcea as low as others ask t'or trashy imitations. At no time in t!ie history of the country have the prices for Cai-pots. Mattings. Rugs. Laco Cnrtains Etc i-uiotl is low as tliis spring, and t is absolutely certain tliat the noxt six months will see an advance in prices. Mills represeuting milHone f Capital havegone intobankrnptcy the past year, siinply becaase makiuggoods at present prices uvolved a tremendons loss. Others have closed becanse they would not run at a loss. Thia means that no bucIi opportuuity tarefurniab a room or your entire house is likelj to occur again in a lifetime. Whv ri(H take advantasre of t'. 20 S. Main Street.


Ann Arbor Argus
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