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Drs, Kennedy & Kergan, 148 Shelby Street, Detroit, Mich.

Drs, Kennedy & Kergan, 148 Shelby Street, Detroit, Mich. image
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fÏERYÓis, DBPOHDE"H"ÜSEASEO' MEN. I T. E. GLEASON. T. E. GbK'VSON. G. O. ROI.UNS. G. O. ROLLINS. Before Treatrnent. After Treatmuat. Uefore Treatment. Aftor Treatinent. Emissions, Varlcocele, Seminal Weakness, Self-Abuse, Syphllis. Gleet. Stricture, Unnatural Discharges, Loss of Vital Fluid in Urine, Impotency, Sexual and Mental Weakness, Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively CURED OR NO PAY. 16 Years in Detroit. 200,000 Cured. Youngor Middle ïon have led a gay lifor indulged in the vicea of early youth. Yon feel Aged Man. the symptoiusstealiii; over you. Self abuse or cxcesses have broken downyonrsystem. Mrnlall, phytu-ally and iotiiIv you are not the man yon nsed to be or snould be. Ijnstfal prácticos reap rich harveet. l'hink of the future. Will you heed the danger signáis? Aro you nervous and weak; diöpondent and gloomy; specks before oyes; back weak and kidiieys irritable; palpitation of heart; dreams aud los;s at nighf, Bediment m urine; woakened inanliood; pimplen on face: eves snnkpn and clmeks hollow: poor memory;carewornexpres8ion; Varicocele; tired in niornin;;; lifelesB; distrustful; lack energy stroniirtr; and am bition Onr New Method Treatment will positively cure you. lt will makaa man of you ana life will opon anew. W' gnarnntt lóeme yon or refund a'l moiuy paid. t&THo nimes used without written consent. $1,000 paid for any case we talce and cannot cure. SNATCHED FROIWI THE CRAVE A Warnlng From the Living. Emissions "At ir I l(arnd u bad linbit. Had loases for seren ypars. Tried fonr doctor S Cured. and npive toir.c bythe seore, witbout benefit; I becarne a nervouB wre;k ■ A fnend who had bepu enred by Dr. Kennedy & Korsan of a similar distjase, nuvised me ■ totrythem. Idido.,and in Iwo inouthH ww p.itivply cured. This wüs eight years ago. i am now married aud hava two liealthy cuildren." C. W. LEW18, SagiiiMW, Mich. Vïricocele "Varicocele, i be rosrilt r early viep, made üfn miserable. I w.m wpr.k d(1 nerCured. vonu, eye sunknn, hashfnl in Kocietj, hair thin, dreamHand lowes al, night no amoitum. TUe 'dolden Monitor" oponed m je. The Npw Mrtliod TrMitment o( Drs Kennody 4 Kergan cured me in a few weeks." I. y. PEl'EKSÜN, lonia, Mich. Syphilis "Tliis torriblo blood disease n my gystem for eigiit yeani. Had f:krn nierCured. cury for twoyear, butthedioeaso iHtorneii. EeN red, pimplos and iijotrhes on the skin alcera m the moath and on toogue. bone pains, falUn out oí Imlr. wcpkuese.etc. My bro hor. who liad been ctired of aitn and üridure by l)-s. Kpiui-.Iv & Korean, recommendeitthem. 1 hey cnred me in a. few weeks, and 1 thank ttoil 1 cnnsulipd ilmm No return of Iho diseaso in sii years." y. ]. M., Jockson, ïlicb. A Minister The Kor. W. E. Spnrlcs, of Detroit, saya: "1 know of no diseaso so injnrions to Speaks. tiiR minl, body auil soul of yoime men au that of Mlf 4bue. J liavp sent many Tictunsof this lustfol babit'.o Dre. Kennecb A Kereaji for treatment. I m heartils endorse their Xtw Melfiod Trtalmcni which cured tham when all elBe Failed." A Doctor "I know nothing in medical science so eliirient, for the cnre of SyphilU and Recommends ïselual CimuuBa t Nem Melhnd Trealm-ni of IJrs. Kfinuedj & Kfirsan Manv lt. cases wbicli had bafüed scoree of pbysiciane were cnred in a l'ew weeks ' havo een this witn my owu eyp and know it to be : teot." I'. E. ALL1SÜN, M. D. Rpflripf i"'' youi. been "llilty? Has-yonr Blood been diseased? Are yon weak? Do you lldauCi di-sire tobe a m,in Are jon contemplatiog iuarriafe? Ota Xew Meihod will positirely cure you. Cures Guaranteed or No Pay. Consultation Free ma'ter who has treated yon, wriUs for an honent opinión free of rbarge. Charces rBasonable. Books Free.--'The Golden Monitor" üiliu-tnited;. on Diseases of Men EiT closo poetage, two ceuts. Sealed. ' Sd-N'o ííaraes used without Written Consent. Private. No Medicine Sent t'. 0. 1. No amos on Jioxes or Knvelopes. EverjthinK Coniidential. Question List for Home Treatment and Oost ol' Treatment. Free.


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