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Notice to Credltors. ÖTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wahtenaw ss. Notir.e is hereby srien, that by an order of the Prolwte Court for thn Coimtv nf Wmht.'Minw. made on the fourieenthday of Jauunrv V 1). M'.)5É nis mnnths frouj that date were allovcd fur urftdltnts 10 present tlieir claims against ,-s[ito of Kmllj L. Danwr, lateof saïd count Y.'l'-i-:ied, lid that (!! creititorn of said deoeased ai e nquired to present theil rlaimj to said Probate f 'ou rt. at !he Probate Oöice in the city of Ann Arbor, tbr examlnation unü allowance, on or before the flfteenth day of July, next, and that Huch claima will be heard beiore said court. on thejüfteenth day of April, and on the üfteenth day of July next, at ten o'elook in the forenoon of eaeh of Baiddays. Dated, Aan Arbor, January 15, A. D. 1R95. I. WILLARD IIABBITT, Judgreof Probate. Chancery Sale. In pursuance and by virtue ol' an order and deoree.of tbe Circuit Court lor the rountyof Washte naw in Chancery in the stute of Mich iizun, made aud dated on the f th day of June. A. D 1M4, in a certuin cause therein pcndlnK. wherein Michael luiffy is complainant and John J. Robisou and Altha E. Koliinon ure.defondantá. Noticp is heroby piven that I shall sell at Publio Auctlon. to the hUhiv-t bidder, at the soittb front rioor of the Oourt House, in tho city of Ann Arbor. in said oounty of Washtenaw and state of MlC' lfran, suid Tuurt. House beinfr tho plaoe for holdins Mie circuit court for eaid county. on Mtitulay, the twenty-second rtay of April. A. D. 18%, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, to raise the amount duo to said coraplainant for prinoipil. interest nd cotjts in thiö cause, all the followinu descrlbeil pleoe or parcel of land, to-wit: All thut ceriain pieoe or parcel of latid eiruatiïd in the town8hip of Sharon in the county of ashtenaw and state of Michigan, known, bounded and describertas follows, to-wit: The west half of the pouth-east quarter of sectlon number twenty-two. town three sotith range thret east, and containing 8Ü acres of land, more or lesa. Said sale will be made, in aocordance with the terms of said decree. Dated. Ann Arbor, Michigan, thisoighth day of March, A. D. 1895. O. E. RUT rERFIEr,n, Circuit Court Commlssioner in uuU for Washtenaw County, Michijfan. Thomas D. KüARKEVund John L. Dcffy, Solicitors for Complaluant .. Notice to Creditors. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hcreby givon, thnt b' an order o) the Probate Court for the Countv of Washtenaw, made m the 4th day of Maroh A. 1), 189ö. bíx months (roiu tlmt date were nllowed for creditors to present their claima againfit the estáte of Lydia Sutherland. Inte of tüiid county, deeeased, aud tlmt all oreditoil of said dectased are required to present their ciaium tosaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the ei tv of Anti Arbor, for examinuüon and allowance, on yi btfore the 4th day of Septenibor next, and t.hut such cl.titns will he heard before said Court on t lie 4i ii day of June and onthe4th day of September next, at ten o'cloók in the forenoonof eaeh oí Hfúd days. Dttted, Anu Artior, March tth, A. I). 1SS5. J. WILLAKD RABIilTT, Judf-e of Probate. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT r of WHShteuaw, ns. Notice ia hereby given, tnat by hu order of the Probate Court for the County ot Wawhtenaw. made on the tonth day of January. A. D 1?95, six uioutha from Ihat dte were allowed for creditors to present their clainui aaainm the ebtate of Jcihn Flynn, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditora of said deoewed are roquired to present theirclaima to s iid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Adü Arbor, for examiuation and allowance, on or before the teuth day of July next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court on the tenlh day of April, and on the ! tenth day of July next at ten o'clock in the foreuoon of eaeh ofsaiddays. Date, Aun Arbor. January 1U, A. D. 1895. J. WlLLAItlJ ÜABIÍITT, Judue of Piobate Estáte of Henry R. Watson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT V ol At a kobüioo of the Probate Court for tne County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Thiir-Mlay, the 14th day of March, in the year one thonnantl eight hundred and DlH6t-flTe Present, J. Willaid Babbitt, Jude of Probate. Ip the matter of theeetateof Henry lt. Watson. dtcea-seil . lheadministrtorde non, with Lhe wUI anuexed. of il r-tne, coiues into court iinU ri'presents thit he is now pre pared to reuder nis final account as suob admimstraior. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the eigath day ol April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assiijned for txamlnLog and allowini such account, and that the. heira at l.iw ol" said deceaaed, and uil other persons interesled in said esiate, ure required toappearata se&MOn of said court.ttien Jo bu hulden at the Probate officer in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, ïfany tliere bc, why the said account should nut be allowed: And it is furtlier ordered, tlmt said adnoinütrator give notice to the penont inttdrertecl in paid estaic of the pendenCT of 8!iid account, nnd tbe beatrine tbereof, by causing a copy of thisoider to bc published in the Ann Akbdk AKr,ü,a newspaper (jnnted andcirculating' in said eounty, thrce successiTe week previous to said dav of hearing. J.W1LLA.BD BABBITT, (A truc copy. ) Jmlre of Probate . William 3 DOTV. Probate Reiti9ler. -W-3S4I. HERZ, NO.4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sim, Okameihl ahd Fresco Paiht, ; gtldlnif, ealolmimnjr, g-laziiyr and paper hane All work is done in the best style ana i warrauted to xie satlsfactlon.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News