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No Extra Session Of Congress

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Washington, April 8. - The attention of Beveral members of tho cabinet was calrl to a dispatch from Chicago glving thesubstanoe of the Chicago Tribune's publleation conoerning the suprema court decisión on the incomo tax oase, but they deolined to expresa any opiuion thereou ju the ground that ie wouUl be maulfcstly improper lor thom to discus any opinión of tlie court, at least until it has been officially promulgated. From another, but a n entlrely authentio sooroe, it is learned that vvhatever the decisión of the court inay be the president will not cali au extra sossion of congress. On the assumptiun that this report is true, and that the court has decided that inoome tax caimot be collected from rents or from suite and municipal bonds, 6ne of tho fundamental purposes of tho law will havo been dofeated. If these two important portions of tho law have been deoided to be unconstitutional they are so suriouíi as to affect materially not only the revenues of the government, but the estimation In which the income tax will be held by the people. Such a decisión would exempt the vory men the law was aimed at and put the burden on those who earn over $4,000 a year by their abllities entirely. Ie would exempt all the rich capltaists. It is reportod that Chicf Justice Fullei and Field, Gray and Browor claim that the law is uucunstitutional, while Harían. Brown, Shira.s and White affirm its constltutionallty in a general way.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News