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On The Field Of Shiloh

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Shiloh, Toan, April 8. - A cloudless sky greoted the thoiwands of the blue and gray vvho assémbled at the littlo church of tíhiioli at the thirty-thii-d anniversary of that blooiv battit. A now frame memoriul church stands where tho littlo log church stood on fcbat memorable day v. I men strovo for the mastai y. Tho grand stand orected for the occasion wa.s canopied by the natlon's Ü!ir. "Weloome to tho Blue and the Gray" was painted on the front of the stand, while withln, on a blue background, were the memorable vvords of President Grant: "Let us Have Peace." Thcre were present Generáis Prentiss, Buell, Joe Wheelër and A. P. Stewart. General JIcClernand and Senator Harris wero absent on account of sickness. The exercises openod with a short speoch by General Prentiss, the hero of "The Hornet's Nest, " the hottest contested part of the battie. Generáis Wheeler and Stewart and Captain Paine, who had been assigned to the duty by a meeting of the Confedérate veterans, welcomed the boys in blue. After a ]rayer by Rev. L S. Bailey, of Iowa, Generáis Buell and Prentiss entertained the veterans with rominiscenes of tlie battie, going into the details of the flght and in conclusión congratulating ail upon the good-feeling that was everywhere manifested. The crowd present nnmbers about 10,000 people.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News