Fatally Assaulted From Behind
Nkvv ÏOKK, April 8. - August Ncilson ■.vas riding a liorse through Kasc Twerityiourth gtreet ieading two others when a man wbom he knows as Bernard Seery scruck him 011 ti.o liead from behihd witli a ionj; club. His assailant thun strnck hini severai moro blows and one oí his anus are broken. NeiUou juinped trom his horse to better ctefeud himsell' and tlR'u Seery rau away. Naüson was carried to a near-by drug store, where ho was seixed wich spasms. Bi.'ioro losing ctmsciouánoss hesaid thatlio fived :it43ü Niuth avenue, Mil waukec, Wis. He wjis taken to the hospital, where it is believed hls lujuries will result fatally. Neilson is said to have stabbod Öeery's brochor In Jersey City some tinie ago. The pólice thus íar have been unable to find Seery.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News