JUST A Shipment oí Gents' Fine Tan Shoes for Spring, Washington Block, P. S - See our Show Wlndow. ■ : . Kotice of Limited Partnership. Thia is. to eert ii'y that the undersijrned havi fornied :i llmitfd partnership, puisuan tne provisions of Howell's AnnotatedSta of the state of Mi.-hiuan. That the nai ürm under wliicli suoli partnership is :, condueted is "Bradfóild.& Cqmpany, Limited." That tne general nature oí the business to be transarted ís buying and sellingrgTOceries aud genera) merchandise and suoh articles: usually deait in by dealers in sneh goodsand wá res. 'I baí Emii 1 1. Bradlord. wno resides in tho city of Aun Arbór, county of Washtenaw, aud state of Míohígran, id a genera] partner; and Hei'bert w, Bradford, who resides in ti; townshlp of Cantón, county ol Wayne, inil atato of Michigan, is a special partner; and ihut the said Herliert W. Bradford has contrlbuted eiglit hmidred dolíais as capital to tlie conimon stock: and 1 liat t he said partnership is to commenco on tbi' eighteenth day ot Febtuary, A. u. lí9i, and is to terminate oü the eighteenth day of lYbi-uai y. A. 1). 1Ü00. Dated this eighteenth day of ï'ebruary, A.D, 189. EMTli II. HKAIH-'OKD. HEKÜKKT V. HKADFORD. State ot Michigan, i County of Washtenaw. Before me the subscriber, Tlios. I). Keaniey. a noliivy public In and for taid county, this i ncniy-l hiid day of Febrifary, A. l. 1895, uersoually appearéd Emll H. Bradford aad fíerbert w. Bradford, fenown to me. to !etln: persons deseribed in and who executed the above instrutaeni . and ackuowleded the eiecution theréof id be their f ree act and deed THOS. 1). KBAENEY, Sotarv Public. TE (JOK AND STORAGE. C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Ofiice, 4S Fourth'Ave., North Telcphone 82. is 11 uman nature to want sometfnng for notlwng. SIL VERWARE Biïffl ÁWAY FEEE - AT - W. F. Lodholz Grooery Storei No. 4 and 6 Broadway. This is the way il is done: With every Cash Sale, whether it beten cents ot fifty dollars we give you a coupon showing tbe amount purchased, and when you hav bouglit grocevies or any goods in our line to the amount of Forty Dollars, Forty-five Doflars or Fifty Dollars VOU CAN HAVE VOUR CHOICE of theTWENTY BEAUTIFUL HECES OF SILVERWARE, sucb as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holder, Cream, Fruit. Gaster, Berry, l'ickle, Butler Dishes, etc. CALL. AND EXAMINE. ernember Etwything in tl" GROCERïB LINE'Sold Cheap for Cash. W. F. LODEOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway WE HAVE NO AGENT? j h but shiP tr0B? , sjhip
Ann Arbor Argus
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