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Airs. VV. II. Dorrance retui frora New York, Saturday. William Cooper,of jackson, sp Sunday with his mother here. Capt. R. M. Barker, of Mint, is' in the city this week. Mrs. Dr. Palmer goes to Kurope n June. .Miss Julia B. Roys is visiting in Detroit. Judge E. D. Kinne is holding court in Monroe. Oscar Schmid, of Jackson, was lome over Sunday. Mrs. George F. Key was in Deloit, yesterday. Miss Cora Reese is visiting in Mooreville. EL T. Morton returned from vnoxville, Tenn., yesterday. Mrs. E. Fogerty visited Detroit, yesterday. Richard Kearns, of Detroit, spent Sunday in the city. Mrs. Frank Schaffer, of Milwaukee, is visiting her mother, Mrs. George Ruff. Mrs. G. S. Suker, of Toledo, O., is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. S. I) mister. A. T. Uruegel has returned trom an extensive business trip. Wirt Doty, of Detroit, spent Sunday at his father's, A. M. Doty's. E. W, Weeks,' of Samaría, has been visiting his father, George VV. Weeks. Miss Carolyn Pittman, of Kalamazoo, is visiting friends on División street. W. II. Whitmarsh, of Milan, was the guest oí VV. VV, Watts, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hagadoin, ot Muacie, Ind., are visiting at G. VV. Miley s. Mrs. Mortimer Twitchell, of Hamburg, visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Henry DePuy, on East Washington street, last week. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Millen, of Detroit, spent Sunday with De and Mrs. J. W. Morton. Miss Pauline Waltz, of Grand Rapids, is visiting her únele, A. R. Schmidt. Rev. Frs. Kelly and Goldrick assisted in the high mass celebrated at the funeral of Rev. Fr. Buyse in Jackson, Saturday.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News