WANTED, FCR SALE, ETC. COB SALE - ] bave n quantity ot early v white Everetpotatoes.l will eell foi ]) !' MlleM. 1 ÜOi] ["rom 1 1 i mei 27-20 Wm. H. HaRBISON. VU A '. new milcl iei to be fri il In Oc( ober: ■ i hens. Enquire ut n cept Saturday. iiU RENT- Twejjty-flve ucres of land one of the Oity of nn Arbnr, . p ' bite Farm Please enquire cl' Mrs. A : tewarii, v; E. Liberty Si , Aiid itor. Í0ST O R STOLEN- A white buil dog. weigrht mi : cllpped: miswers name of "Ben." A liberal reward will bc patd Ihe Onder for ei t her return;. ■ lylnc , F.uiery, Mich. IVANTED - Twomcn v,i;o nndersti nfl worh ' in small frults; ene tobe a mnrried man to oceupy litmse. Ap] -'4 27 Chubb Road. t,-OR SAI.E-40 niceJaylngehickens. Anpiy, - La Jóle, Chubb Komi. 1A ::', STEN06BAPHEB and bookkeeper nranted. lii'liiy stattng prevldue experience. . areof "Arpus." ti' lJKSALl:l{ RENT- A new8-room iiouse v.'iih agood barn. 'mi w cll, tv. o i;!iikI ri - ■ tenis, one andoue-balf lotspfiana. Terras easy. Enquire ai33 Detroit Bt., Aun Albor. Bl i ".' J,K S.M.K. A Víctor Model, firstclass, at a reduced price. Piense chII and examine il 88 s. Main SI .. Corner ol Williams. FOB SALE.- 80 acres on Chubb St. in aere or Uve acre i"t or all togéther. Lou; titee, pm.'ill payment, 6 per cení Intereot. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Molfat Building, Hetroit, Micli. PAKM TO EBNT- Coqtainíng aboul 30Ü teres plow land at saline. .Mi(-h. iúidiI f enees and barns. Water m barns (':ill on A. M. Clark, 47 9. División st., Aun Arbor.or A. K. Clark, Saline, Mico. Wf ANTEn- A m.a N in every seution ai once ' to 8&11 staple goofis to dealers; no dling; experlence unneoessary; best side une. 175.00a month. Salary and expenses orlarge commle8ÍQQ mude. AddreBS, lli 2 cent l;iin[ for -ölel particulurs, Cliftou Sospaml MaDQÍaoturlng Company, Cinclnnti I. Ohío. POULTHV wantod- maiket piice paid for all kinds of Poultrv, al the corner ol fiith and Snmmlt St reets. O. C. Weeks & Co., Ajüd Arbor. IOK ÏALE CHEAP- My house and lot on r the cornerof Travcr and pont ac st reeto, In the Kin li irard of the eity of Ann Arbor. A dosirable location rorwood or ceal yard. Ry thegldeofT. 4A. A. tracks, w IHlam Actityn. Januarj L, 1896, ïi yo HENT.- At No. 2 S. State 8t. A nat ol 1 six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. .'.'til PIANO TDNlHli.- A. IJ. Brown. th( cll known piano tuner with C. .J.Whitney, . i be in the city soon. Orders lelt attheARGlif oflice will receive his attention. PE1ÍSONS Intendlngto put out mapleorelni Bhade trees hoi!d correepond with i'. H. O'BEIEN Whtttake. L"OK SALK OB BENT.- Larjfe new oonse V with ui modern improvemente, clstern and city water in house and wcll near door. Will take in part payment sinall house or lot orsmall (arm Bearcity, bulanoa on loDg tluae and low interest. P . U. BOX 1846. Estáte of Flavius J. Comstock. l TAÏE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ÖP WanhtenftW, m. At asesslon of tbeProhme Court lor the Coiiiity of Wasotenaw, holden at tin Probate In Ih6 City Of Aun Arbor, on ï'ridRy, the 5th 'Jay ui April in the w..i ODe thouwand t-ilit huudred and Diuety-iive Present, J. Wlllani Babliitt, iuigt óf Probate. ín the matter of the estáte oí" Flavina J. ( 01 - stock, deces Ou reafiiuíí anii lilinir the petitioa luh ■. ui Ali:1 A. ' omstock, prayilt'g tiun a mi tuin !n8trumenl non qd i le In tnis Court, purportiuL' to be the last will and testament of sairl de u.; be adxnittd 10 probate, and ili-.itj'üministration with the wjll annexed,ol 9aid estafe muy bejrentedto Q6"r8el,(th.erebcnig tju - . wil] nflmed , '.r t some other uuitat Ie persou. Tftoreiipou it is ordered, that Moniy, tl day of Ma) Dext, at l'i o'elock in the f o . i the beariog oi wti'l ;■ and thnt t.lie derisees, legatees m! JieitH-atI iincl hu utbfr persoot interest' 'I in sutil estáte, ara niurtd to appear at n ■esgion oi sid court, then to be bolden at tbe ProbalH Oflioe ín the cily ot Ann Arbor, and show c;inse, ïf any there be. why the pruve) ol th petitioöer Bhould iinted. Ai (1 it is turtlier ordered that saiii petüioner ive notice to the peiwns intfrpfiten in said estute ol the pendeticy of mud petitkro aod the bearing thereof, bycauatng a cojiy of Uub order to be publisued in the Ann Abeor Arquh, a newspaper printed aod eirculated insaid eounty, three succefrWe weekï preTtous tosaiddayof hearint'J. W1LLARD MABKITT, !CE COPV) Wu i : .! ;. UOTY. Probate E. .
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News