Researches In The Air
The of a meeting room, tester! in different places and at different times duriug the progresa of the ineetiug, showed uumbers of micro-organisras varyingfroni 130,000 to 8,500,000. The air near the ground contained fewer than the air near ths ceiling. For esample, the air some foor feefc frora the gronnd coatained 270,000 before the meeting and at the end of the nje9ting 400,000, while near the ceiliag the amonnt at the beginuiug of themeetirg was 3,000,000, and at tho end of the meeting thia had bean increased to 3,500,000. Air near a burniag jet of gas showed the largest figures of .all. ■ Thus, in tha immoííiata vicinity of a banaen flame the gigantic nuinber of 30,000,000 vrasi fotind in a cabio centimeter, or 489,000,000 per cubio inch. In Mr. Aitkin's own worils: 'It does seeta strange that there may be as raauy dust partióles in one cubio inch of air of a rootu at uigbt when the gas is burning as there are inhabitants in Great Britain, and that in threa cubio inchea of gases from a bnnson flama there are as rnany partióles as thore are inhabitants of the ■world. ' ' Possibly tests on tha air of sracki:: rooms wonltl reveal still greatei Dambers. Mr. Aitkon bas nat ye tested ---.r'.i air, but be fouiKi tbac a oigaretta 6moker eend.s 4,000,000,000 moro or lesa, into the with every puffhsmakes.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News