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The "breathing Cave."

The "breathing Cave." image
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in tria state or JNorth (Jaronna, in tna western part, in the range of mountains known as the Fork range, is located the most rernarkable cavern now known to esist. It is called the "Breathiug Cave" and is oertainly a most wonderf ui natural curiosity. During the summer montha a current oí air comes from it whioh is so strong that a full growa man cannot walk against it, aud in winter the "inrush" of air is equally strong. At times a most ODjileasant odor is omittetl fron; the cavo, whiuh is enpposed ui be from che careantes of dead animáis which have been sackrj in aud killed bycoaiin j irj contact vi i tbeinuerwallsi f the i iin rwi'itag monster J.;t!;:,' i wlieD the chaiisiti froa ;i halatiou takss p'ace. tlio air ia fl!l ■,! with pellers of hair : i claws. etc, which r.ra .■■ ; : ■ ■ froin oreatnres sucked iato thia dry I tnaelfitrom i:: tipjes passed Mauy s(4entists havo visitcd aud rovisited the place for the parpóse of studying it? pecaliaritics, 'out still the


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News