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Chancery Sale. . ' K PTTKSÜANCE AM) XV VIRTÜE O] ÍN ! a order ;md decree of the Circuit Court fór ■ tbeCounlyof Washtenaw, in chanoery, In the ; Btate of Blculfran, mede and dated the twenj ly-nmtli (la.v of jMare'n, A. ü 1895; in a certalu cause thereln pending, whereln Palrick Kearney is complainant atul Lewle F. Alber is deu ndant. Notiee is herebyglven tliatlshall Bell ai public aucüoti, to the hlgbest bfr.der, al the s.miiIi front door of the Court House. Jn the ( uy of Aim Aibor, in said County "f Washtetiaw and State of Michigan, sald Court House being i he place for holding the Circuit Court im said county. on l''iïday, the tenth day of May, A. I) 1895, ál ten o'clouk in the lorenoon, toraiselbeanttmotdue 10 sid complainani for principal, Interest and eosts in tuis cause, all tbe following deacrlbed pieees or parcela ot land sitúate in the towuship of Nori hfield County rit Washl. naw and State of Miohigan, and dcscribed as followe, to wit Commeneingat the soutneast corneror the i i balrol ine nortbwest quarter of section number twenty in townshfp oaesoutli raage ist. State of Miohigan, rmiuing thence m the east and west quarter line i said sect ion forty-four rorJsana founeen and onethird feet to u stake in tbe highway; ilience nort berly i o the north line oí .said section to a ()oint thcroln the dista net frota whlch to the nortbèast corner of the west half of the northwest quarter of said section sim II bear the same proportion to wküh of the north end ol said half quarter section, whlch forty-four rods, fourteen and one-third feet bear to tinwidthoi thesouth end of said balf-quarter section ; tbence east on the north line of said section to the northèast corner of said half(luarter section; tbenee south parallel with the west side of said 6ection to the east and est quarter line of said section to the pi ice of bezinning, containinsfortj'-fouiand seveneightliH acres, mo e or less. Also, eommenciriR nine rods and "two feet east from the southwest corner of Baid half-quarter section running thence uorth parallel witb the west line of said section ei gb teen and one-half rods toa stake; thence east thirteen rods; thence sputh eighteen and one-half rods to a stake in the highway; thence west to tbe place of beerinmng. And also the right toocoupyand enjoj-the land nowcovered by the blacksmith süop on sald half-quarter section as as the same .shall be used as a blacksmith's shop and whenover such shop shall cease to be occupied as a blacksmith's shop, thén Ihe rig-hts of the g-rantee or mortgaeee to t ie lands covorcd by sueh shop shallcease. baid salewill be made in uccorda nee with the terms of said decreo. Dated Aim Arbor, Michiffan. Aniil " 1895 ,. . O. ELMBE BJDTTBRFIBLD, ' . circuit Couri Oommlssioner in and for Waalftenaw County Michigan. TfcOS. D. KEAKXRV, Bollcitor for Cotnplainant. Mortgage Sale. KFAn.T HAVING BEEN MADE IX TUK ' ' conditions of a mortgage executed tiy John W. Cow8n and Dorens M. Oowan to ürace Fasriuclle, dated Man-h Bist, 1873, recórded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Miehijran, April Jnd, 1873, in Liber 49 of mortg-anes, on pane 374 wiiich mortgage was duly assig-ned by the e.xeeutors of the last will and testament of Grace Fasquelle, deceased, to Watson Geer and said assignment recorded in said Kegisters office, in Liber 5 of assignments of mortí?aíes, on pag-e 478, unoti wbieli mortgage i bere is claimed to be due at the date of this notice. for principal, interesi and attoroey's fee. a6 provided Uv in said mortgage. the -uni ol '-rwenty-four Hundred and ïweuty-nine Dollars. Not.ue is hereby given, thal ?:id mortgage will be foréclosed byasuleof the mortgaged premises at public vundue, to tlie higbest bidder, al the southerly front (oor of the ('nuvi House, ín ilio City of Ann Aiijor, in saia County. 'i the Ctü day of July next, a', Hl o'clock in 1 he torenoon. to satJsfy I Ite amount I claimed tobe due on paid mortirage, and all lega] eopt?. to wit: The northeasi qu&i'ter of the northwest qnarteroi pection nu in bei' t wo, also i be east ualf of i lie som hwest qua rter oi t Ik mu i heai quarter ol sed ion number t wo, Townshipof Manchesti r, Wa-;.ie;aw( ounty, State of Miohigan. Dated .April 4th, 1895. MARr .). gek:; AdminUtratrix of tfae Estáte of watson Weer, deceased, Ass'iftiee ol' said Mortgage. I). C. Griffen. Attorney for Adtniui.t ratrix. The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in eavening power as the Royal. 5fS" ■" í -htfr'ii Enrllh !nmonil ISi-an.i. 4) f ..:jYBOYAL PSLLS P hSÍN Original aml nly Goimiiit'. A J is rr"-- SArE always rfliablc. ladies ak f$t p.j t&í ' Droertst lor Chichevters Bnqli&h 1ío-J&Ík 'SJÖOvinoii, Brand In Ked and OWtf utctalimVv &v Oirahrt(!s. gpftiad wiih blue ribbon. Tnkc V Ti ÍSSi 'jlno other. V I " fíftionsandimitations. At Drtiqcista, or8cnr!4c. 1 ( J i ti stampa for p.iriiciil.irtt, t-limoaials aai mJt MBeUcB fui Lulk1).1 In etter, bv return - V Ar Mu!l. 10.000 fySu Paper. 1 hlolitï-! erUiieiulciil(. u,,.5iu'üiMi quaiv lold b; all Luuul Driiit;at a'ÍiÍHíiIu., 1'h,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News