Real Estáte tor Sale : In the matter of the estHtpnf 1 ■ deceased. lllu "r une n, sr)tl i Notlce hereby iriven tlmi i. an order antecl lo the nildorÍie EïW W ■ tratoroi the estáte of ,i,i d, " llm'NHon Judpe rf Probóte ■ ' v;i,Mfl h.v ti,,, ; Washtenaw. un the lSthdav . f n L"u";v "1 ) Ti. 1894, there will i e 60)d t n,,í?fíCewb A ■ 10 the hiíhest bidder. ai e, ,"'llc TOlue the oourt house, in the cH y of a „ ""í íIu""! ( the Coumy of Wastatenaw J' rI', u : the 25th day of April'' ' " ,"a Stilte, 'o,, : oclock in the foreiioon of that davft, 1"' l0" . all encumbranees by moi ', lMI J"-t tu exieting at the time of ti,,-' h, " ' cock's addition to tho Styote ' acco'-Jil'b'totherecordedpattLVp r1'1"" on the w,,.i ne ,,t , , '"' ' the east Unce rod.s aiid t -K i Ti ,',r0(-north parallel with fl,"r , , , uf,""''"'' street, fflencf. wesl three ,„-!,., H to-the place of beglniiin! " two ' Dated March 9, 1895. LBONHARD GUCNEK, ■tluiinistM tpr. Estáte of dosiah Hathaway OTATE OP MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY holden at theProbate Office % ,e cTtv'fe' Arhor, od Fnday, the 39th day of Mareta ,„A,Ï" ÍESSíáfUtí re;" estate 0? ïS'K noon, be assigued lor ihe heariug of said petitie' and that the heirs at law of said deceasV a Z otber persons interested in said est,,te ?. í quKrccltc;appe:ir at a se9sion f si"d wi'ta 10 be holden at the probate office, la ihecityjr tmArbor. and show cause. ifnnTth re be whv the prayer of the iietitionershould not be era'nh.7 And itls rurtberordered, that said peí iioneriv potioe to the persons iutorcsted in said tai? Ir the pendencv of raid petition, and the heaftíe thereof by causing a copy „f tais order to be publis hed in the Ana Arbor ArK8, a newspaper printedar.dcheula.ed In said oouñty, thr4SuC ees ive wctk prcviotis toid dnvof heari.r. J. WILl.AriDBAmillT, ! " . . . Judío ol Probate '■ (A 1 rué copy.) W11.1.1A.M (i. Doï'Y, Probate .Register. Commissioners' Noice tJTATB OF MICHIGAN, COUXTV OF O Uashtenaw. 'lhe undersigned havini? bven appointed by the Probate Court for said Countf Commissioners to receive, examine and adii-st all clíumsnddemaudsof all persons againstthí estáte ol Amanda (i. Buok, late of snid County deceased, herehy give notice thai ñx months from' dale are allowed, by order ol aaid Probate Court for Creditors to present their claims against tbe estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late resldence of said deceased in thecity of Ann Arbor, i said county, on the flrst day ol June and on the secón d da of Septcmlier uext, at ten o'elock A. M. ol e;ich ol said days, tu receivé exiirnine and adjust said claims Dated Aun Arhor Marrh 1, Ifc95 ELEAZKK E. CAI.KINS, W1LLAKD l!. HHNDRÍCKS. Coiniuissio! ■. .3. Notice to Credhors. OTATE OF MICII1í;AX,C0C.' "'.' I kj of Washtcnaw, ss. Notice is hereby tlmtbynn id-r of the Probate Oourt for thé County oí Washrenaw, made on the 2"th day of Marcó, A. D. 189i, six munths from that dale were allowed for creditors to p rosen t their claim tgainst the estáte of Daniel Sutheiland, late of said county. dcccused, and that all creditors el said deceased are icquirea t presint iheirckumsto said l'robile Oourt, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, Lbrexiiniina;ion and allowanee, 011 or bcfore tbe 2íth dav 01 September next,ná that such claims will be heard liefore said Court on the 25th day of June, and 011 lhe 2HI1 I dny of Seutemher nest, at lou o'elock in the fori- noon of each ot said days. Dated Aun Arbor, March 25 A. D. 139) J.WILLAKD ilABBÏTT. ludseol Probate Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of Washtenaw. The undersifjned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, coramissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of George M. Herion, late of said connly, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, tor creditorsto present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, aod that they will meet at the late residence of said deceased, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, or the 2411. day of April and on the 24th day of July, next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of snid days to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated January 24, I895. OH EL ES H. WORDEN, JOEL A. M1NEK, Uommissioners.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News