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"Weather warm and pleasant. The lawns in Milan and vicinity are lookiug quite greeu. Mts. S. ft. Williams, who has been fuite ill, is able to be out agaiu. Mts. S. Egner is visiting friends iu Detroit. M. A. Palmer & Clark have a trhn"iner from the city and will open their millinery display at their parlors on Main street, April llth, 12th, anrt SBth. Miss Bell Watkins, of Wyandott is, the guest of Miss Alma Gill this week. Mrs. J. C. Harpér has been very ill, bufe is now oonsidered eonvalescent. Miss Edith Waite, of Scio, is the guest of her uncle, Dr. P. Chapia, and amit, Mrs. J. C. Harper, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. H; Whltmarsh and daughter risited frieuds ia Aun Arbor over Suudav. Claud Chapin retunied Monday form si visit with friends in Aun Arbor and Scio. A hard times social will be held in the P. O. O. F. pariors "Wednesdity evoning under the tusoiees of the B. "Y. P. N. Mr. Otto Beunet, of Ann Arbor, is doing the carpenter's Vork oó the uew addition to Mr. J. C. Ruore lioiise, on Cotuity street. Miss Pheürpraub refcnmed TMonday from a week's yisit with hor parents in Saline. Miss Clara McGregor oommenced teaching in the Wirth district Monday. Miss Forsythe retnrned to her school work iu llilau Monday af ter a week 's visit vith parents in Lodi. Mr. L. Vau Warner is seriously ill with rhemnatism. Mr. Maurioe Day is oonfined to the iouse with rheumatism. Mr. J. Taylor retnrned the last of the week to his home in Essexville. Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, of Moorville, Tisited Milan frionds Mouday. Mr. CharlesjGill is on the sick list. The O. E. S. , will give an oíd times social at the Masonic Tenirjle. next "week, Vi'echiesday eveaiug. Boru, Maroh 31, to Mr. aud Mrs. Oreu Throape, a duughter. Maeter Walton gave au iuterestiug birthduy party Thursday aftemoon. W. F. Stevens moved into Mr. A. S. Hayden's hones, on West Main street, this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Haydeu have moved to Tecmnseh. Mrs. Alma Alleu is quite ill. Newcomb, of Cai-ltou, was in fcown last week lookiug over his property and repamting the roof of his brick block. Mr. H. Habber, of Detroit, visited Milan frieuds Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Guy, from the Bidge, were the guests of Mrs. Flora Ouy Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Clynton Hobb, of (Orville, were Milan visitors Monday. Mr.s. E. Ford and Mrs. W. Clark, of Moorville, called -on some of their Milan friends Monday. Dr. Vauglin, of Ann Arbor, vas called to Milan, in oouucil the last of the v


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News