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" CKU.ÜMID " COLIRS AND CDPFS are made by covering a linen collar or cuff with "celluloid," thus makiug them strong, durable and waterproof. When soiled they can be cleaned by simply wiping off with a wet cloth. No other waterproof goods are made with this interlining, consequently no othcr goods can possibly give sati9faction. Do not forget that every piece of the genuine is stamped as follows : Insist upon goods so marked and refuse anything clsc if offered. If yonr dealer does not keep them yon c-.n procure a sample írom us direct enclosing amount and stating size aud whether stand-up or turned-down collar is wanted. Collars 25c. cacli. Cuffs 50c. pair. ïhe Celluloid Company, 427-429 Broadv;ayr Kew York. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOK SALE- A splendid Iioad Mare, very cheap. Enqulre, A. H. Walker, Livery, Jefferson stri-i't.. Aun Albor. 27-28 FOK SALE -A fine second-hand Surrey and Single Haruess, almost as good as new, (Ór Sale oheap. Enquire at 83J4 E. Hurón St. :w ÍT'OK SALE - I havo a quantity of early white Everet potatoes.I wil I sell for seed. Residencie, townshlp oí Balem, 1 mile east from the west corner. :.;-■} Wm. H. Hakribon. WANTED- Two flrst-claBS cmvs. One new " milch. the otherto lie frcsh in October; also one dozen layiDg luns. Knquire at 11 Maynard streetany clay excopt Saturday. 5-28 rro BENT- Twehty-flve acres of land one' half inile west of the City of Ann Arbor, fcnown ae Eber White Farm. Please enquire of Mrs. A. Steward, 52 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor. 26-29 L0STORSTOLEN- A white buil dog. weigbt about45 lbs., ears not clipped; answers ïmme of "Ben." A liberal reward will be paid the finder for elther retumloe dog to or notifyintr Jacob -Zeeb, Emery, Mich. 25-28 WANTED- Two men who untlerstand worh in small fruit.s; one to be a married man to occupv house. Apply, Moses La Joi , 24 27 tiiubb Hoid. FOR SALE- 40 nice layinBchickens. Apply, Moses La Joie, Chubb Road. 24 27 STENOGKAPH BB :nd lrookkeeper wanted. Kt-ply Ktafng previous experience. Aiiclresí, E. care of "Arpus." tf FOK SALE OH RENT- A new room house with a good barn, good well, two good c:ihterne, one andone-balf lots of land. Terme eaey. Entiuire at 33 Detroit St., Ann Arbor. 22tf. B1CYCLE SALE. A Víctor Model, flrst clasB; at a reduced price. Please cali and examine at SS S. Main St., Corner of Williams. FOR SALE.- 30 aeres on Chubb St. In acre or live acre lots or all together. Long time, small payment, 6 percent, interest. Jan. H. McDonald, 42 Moiïat Building, Detroit, Mich. FA KM TO RENT- Contalning about 2CU áoree plow land at Saline, Mich. Good ronces and barns. Water in barns. Cal] on . M. Clark, 47 S. División et., Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark, Saline, Mich. WANTED- A MAN in every seetion at once to sell staple goods to dealers; no pedilintc; experinre unnecessary; bestelde liue. ÍTIí.OOa nionth. Salary and expenses orlarse [ouimiseion made. Address, with 2 cent tanip forsealed partieulars. Cllftun Soapand MauufacturinK Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. POULTKy wantod- market pnce patd for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Flfth and SummltStreets. (J. C. Weeks & Co., Ann Arbor. t?OK SALE CHEAP- My house and lot on the corner of Traver and Pontiac Btreets, in the Fifth ward of the city of Ann Arbor. A dcsiratile location lor wood or oal yard. By - the slde ol' T. &A. A. tracke. William Actiou. Jannnry 'X, 1895. 9 TO KENT.- At No. 20 S. State Bt. A flat of six rooms. Enqulre at 18 S. State St. ti PIANO TÜNINH.- A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J. Whitney, will be in i bc city soon. Orders left at the akous office will receive his attention. i PBR8ON8 Intendingro iut out mapleorelm ' sbade tivcs ehould r-orre?poiul w tb P. H. O'BRIBN Whlttaier. IT'OR SAI-E Oli RENT.- LarKt new nouse ! with all modern improvemtínts, clstern and city water in house andwell Dear door. Will taKe in part payment sniall bouee orlóte or email (arm oearcity, twlaoca on Iodií time and low interest. I'. C. Box J846. Estáte of Flavius J. Comstock. l -TATE OF MICHIGAN, COtTNTY OF . W'anhtenaw, ss. At a Beesion of tl e Protmte Court fortbe Conuty of Waabtena" .holden at thc I'rnbnte in ibe City ol Aun Arbor, on Friiiny, the 5th day "i April " the ye:tr oí e thousanU eiifht hundred nnd ninety-íive I'n'M'ut, J Wiii.ird Babbttt, Judge o! Probate. In tba matter of the estáte t Plavliu J Btock, deceaíed. OnreadÍDg.and flÜDg the pelit'On duly verificd of A ltí.ii A. Comstock. ptaylDg that .-i certuin íustrninifnt 011 tile iu Cdirt, purporU log Co be th last wül and testameDt o uiil deceased inay be admitttd 10 pn-bite, and that admim&trauon witii lia' wiil uum-xrd. of Kiid estafe maybeK' ntedto herscli, (Ibero belng uocxecuiot in . id will nnmi'd), or to some otlier euituMe person. Tbereupon it is ordered, that Monlay, Ibe 6th day ot Maynext, atlO o'clock in the forenooD, De aBsIiíiied tor the bearinji of said pétition, and that the deviee, legatees and heirs-atlaw f said deucasfd and dll otber persons ïnterest'1! in said estáte, are rtijuired to appar at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city 01 Anii Arboi, and show cause, ïf any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shonld nut be j;ranted. And it is further ordcreü that said petlliouer give notiee to the per&ims interented in said estáte of the pendency ol said petition and tht hearing thercot, by cauBinf; a copy of this order to be published in the Ank Absor Aneus, a ncwapaper printed aud eirculated in sniil county, three Buccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABB1TT, (atruecopy) Jud)ie of Probate. WlLLlAM G. Doty. Probate Register ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all ia leaveaiag 8treagth.-V. S. Ooreramcat Report.


Ann Arbor Argus
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