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Michigan (Tentra " The Niágara Fallí Route." TIME TABLE (Revlsed) NOV. 18, 18S4. CENTRAL STANDARD TIMK. i : a : S :& : o. : 4 8S3 ;g8SÜ : S iSSs:; :S8S : ïiaa : i ia gra a : : : s i aa al ! as 1 P.o3 es p, :K s P. 4 p, :: :S cap.; ; ! 5 KS8, 1 Jí% '■$$ SS :Sïi ; : SS TOO ; SS Í5" 'fe ;-M ; ;0 a aa ; : : : : a -a oe ; : : : o. S. aa : : : jil 3.) S ■ i i .-i"i WIW _.aa aa_.:a" a iwyWi i n i % 1 1 il i Illillllll i ?eljisl33 O.W. EUGGLES H. W HAYEB, G.P. &T. Ase Chicago. Ag'tAnnA-or LAND PLASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAIN TILE. LOUIS ROHDE, Main Office- 36 E. Hurón Street. Yards- 50 West Hurón Street. J)# A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. DiseaseB of the EYE, EAK, NOSE and THROAT Offlco, cor. of Main and Washington Streets. Eeeldence, US. State8treet. ResldenoO teleIone, No. 128. Oftico telephone No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. EISENBARTH LIVER PILLS Will stimulate a sluggish system into fiealthy action. MANN'S DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. H WHITE TOK AY The Best for all Purposes, 3IANN BROS., Druggists, 39 S. Main St.' - :ANN ARBOR. A GRAITS OFFER1 EDEE MME. A. RUPPERT'S rllCC FACE BLE ACH -- -. MME. A. RUPPERT rf j saya: '"Iupprtíclatc thefaoi + $4m' Vám that tbere aro mnny thouI' 'wi YmriB BaiiflitliduT,iiiibfDulted TWfliiHB StatcsttiiitwDuld liküto try TrKaHnB my World-Kenowned Fach i-, r BB BLEAm: but have been jtgw. "P i?r kept irom doln so on aciaM i. countof prkc.Kl:lchiï2.00 LL atéfc per btutloor bottlesttikun JSjw( KgM toftetber, Í5.00. In order '3Saf tSR. tbal all oLthesem:iyhaTe iS tüï1 anopportanity,I will glve NJgft} fe to every CJillcr, abwiluteiy " íree, a euniple bottle, aoö ja' - jè v rinordor tosupply thoseout 5tííLfc-==JSí::=of clty.or in any partof tha world.lwlllscnd itsafoly packodin plaiawrappor aU obarges prepaid, for 25 cents, sllver or suuup." In evorycasocf Treckle, pimples. moth, sallowneaa, black heada.acne.eczenia.ollineBï'.roniiness,or aüydiBcoloration or dlseaaoot the skin, and -wrlnkles (not causod by facial expression) Facb Br.EACHrnmoTcs abunlntely. It does not cover up.aBcoaineticn do, but Isa caro. Addresa MADAM K A. KUIrEKT,(Dept.O.) MO. 6 East I4th St.. NEW YORK CITY. THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. (Theonly Art lViriodical awarded a Medul at the World's Fair.) Intaliuible U all icho wwh In makt thcir lirtna by art or to mnke titeir homtt beauUpu Fnp Ifll we will send to any ono í A rUI Ivw men tiontngthie f 1 tion a specimen copy, wlth gnperb Iwv color platea ilorcopyin;; or l'raminfr) and 8 Kupplemcnlury pages O) 'li n (regular nriee35c). Or "O '5C we will sena also 'I'aintiiiK for Bejiiuiier" i0 pages MONTAGl'E MARK, 7,j i'nicm Square, ]V. v. THE . . 3eW GroceriJÍ Telephone 156. 7 Poxmds Grannlated Sugar For 25 ets. For a short time on the following terms only: i. e. provided $3 worth of other goods are puichased with the same order. There is no deception in this offer. It is for the best granulated sugar in the market. No extra price added to other goods. Being established but a shoit time we make this liberal inducement with a view of geting your future trade. Telephone 156. BH & CO., LH Wslnmann Blootc. 37 E. Washington Street


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