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8 Vt oí s H of n w qr of 8 e qr. soc .2; n V, of 4 of n w qr oí se qr, sec. 2; w H of n w qr o seqr.sec 2; n(',of Hwqrot'se qr, sc 3; H of n e qr of s e qr of sec. 3: 9 a in the s corner of the s w qr of n e qr of sec. 3; s M o s e qr of n w qr. sec. 3; n w qrof □ w qr, sec. ; s w qr of n w qr, sec. t; n 30 a, of se cjr of n qr, sec. 4; n e qr of n e qr, sec. 9; n H o( n i qrof n eqr, sec 9; w lA of s wqr.sec. 3; vi4o the n e qr of s w qr, sec. 8 s 10 a s e qr of n qr. sec. 4; e ' of s w qr of n e qr, exeept th ttiley and church property in n e corner i seo. 4; s Í4 of n w qr of s e qr of sec: 4; e Y o s o qr, pee. 4; n 4 of s w qr of e e qr, sec. 4;"s ï of n w qr of n e qr sec. !); 8 a. in n e corner o s w qr of n e qr, sec. 4 south and west o ( ta.tb.olic church property; all in the townshi of S. lvau, also the townshipsof Sylvan an liima at liirge. Dated tliis sixth dav of April, A. D. 1895. D. VV. BARHY, County Draimommissiouer of th Countyof Washtenaw. Chancery Sale. N PURSUANCE AND KY VIRTUE OF AN A order and decrec of the Circuit Coui-t fo tbe Countyof Washtenaw, in chancery, in th State of Michigan, radde and dated the twen ty-ninth day of Marcii, A. D 1896, in a certair cause therein pending-, wherein Patrick Kear ney is complainant and Lewis F. Alber is de fendant. Notice ia hereby given thatlshall sell a public the higiiest biider, at th south front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arhor, iu said County of WashU naW and State of Micblgan, said Court House being the place for holding the Ircuit Cour for said couiity, on Friday, the tenth day o May, A. D 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to raise the amount due to said complainan for principal, interest and costs In this cause all the following described pieees or pareéis of land sitúate in the towusnip of Northfield County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan and described as followe, to-wit: ('ommencjiur at thè soutneast corner of the west half oí the iiorthwest quarter of section number twenty in township one south, range six east, State of Michig-an, runninpr thence west on the east and west quarter line of sak section forty-l'our ro.1s and fourteen and one third feettoastake in the highway; thence northerly to the north line of said section to a poinftherein the distanct from whioh to the northeast corner of the west half of thenorthwest quarter of said aëotlon shall bear the same proportion to width of the north end of said half quarter section, which forty-tour rods, fourteen and one-thlrd feet bear 'to the widtli of the south end of said half-quaiter section; thence east on the north line of said seetion to the northeast corner of said halfquarter section; thonce so:ith parallel with the west side of said section to the east and west quarter line of said section to the place of beginning, containing forty-tour and seveneightns acres, mo e or less. Also, eommencing nine rods and two feet east from the southwest corner of saict half-quarter section ; running thence north parallel with the west line of said section eigbteen and one-half rods toastake; thence east thtrteen rods; thence soul h eighteen and one-half rods to a stake in the highway; tlieuce west to the place of beginnlng. And Uso the rlght to occupy and onjoy the land dow covercd by the blacksmith shop on said half-quarter section as long" as the same shall be used as a blacksmith'a shop, and whenever suoh shop shgjl cease to be occupied as a blacksmith's shop, then the rights of the grantee or moi'tsafiee to the lands covered l)y such sliop shall cease. Said fale will be made n accordance with the terms of said decree. Dated Ann Aïboi1. vticHieau, April 2, ]M)5. O. ELMEK HUÏTERFIELD, Circuit Conrt Commissioner in and for Washtenaw Count-y. Michiann. TdOS. D. KEARNEY, Solicitor for Oomplainant. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUIT HAVIISÍG HEEN MADE IN THE conditlons of a mortgage executed by John v. Oowan and Dorous M. Cowan to Grace FasqueUe, dated March Bist, 1873, recorded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, April 2nd, 1873, in Liber 49 of mortgages, on page 37S, which mortgage w;is duly aRsigned by the exgou tors of the last will and testament of Grace Fasquelle, deceased, to Wateon Geer, and said assignment reeorded in said KegiBter's office, in Liber 5 of assignments of mortgages, on page 478, upon which mortgage there is claimed to be duo Ht the date of tbis uotice, for principal, interest and attornoy's lee, as proviiied for in said mortgage, the slim of Twenty-four Hundred and Twenty-nine Dollars. Notïceis hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the southerly front door of the Court House, in the City of Aun Arbor, in said County, on the h day of July next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to aatisfy the amount elaimed to be due on faid mortgage, and all legal eosts, to wit: The nortbeast quarter of the northwest quarter of pection uumber two also the east half of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section númber t wo Townsliipof Manchester, Washtenaw County State of Michigan. Dated April 4th, 1895. MARF .T. GEER. Administratrix of the Estáte oí Watson Geer, rieceased, Assiunee of said Mortgage. D. 0. (lilKFKN. Attorney for Adinini.-tnitrix.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News