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Real Estáte tor Sale SCHIGAN COÜNTY Iu the matter of the estatrf t deceased. tstate of Jane Noleon Notice is hereby triven thm i D. 1894, there win ie SOM L' P,ecemteA tp the highest bidde?. ai the ea?f t 'Veniu' the court house, in the city of A "í d.r ' the Couniy of Washtenaw in ñ'U' Lfrbr. Q the 25th day of April A' D w; ate' n o Clock in the forenoon f that dav Í il4 ten all eucumbrances by mor ", bllJeft to exleting at the timëöi ! t ,T' d, , íhVí"161 oeaBed) the following dn'lecock'H addition to the eitv ■ f ' '" His' acoording to the recorded plattherèS nTbm south on the west line of s ' ,,i , hence thence east three roda and twelve ffÍ?hirodsnorth parallel with tlret line ,}f n-hence streef, thenot ww three io,K -imi t I,1lsc to the place of besinninV eive a'l't Dated March 9, 1895. LEONHARD GRDNER, Admlnistrator. Estáte of Josiah Hathaway C.TATBOP MICHIGAN, COUNTY de'ea'ei mttro1 the 68tat! f JhHa'tEÏ8L2s: real 3B'rasi -: Thereupon it is ordered that Wednesdav th. 2Jth day of April next.attec o'olock in the f„?8 noon, be aasigned ;or ibe hearine of sairi ? ? e' and that theheirs at law of sa"d deceased ii otber persons interested in said eXte k ?! ÏÏ to be holden at the probate office in ?h oitïm ,,m Arbor, aud show cause, if anv th re be whí the prajer of the pelitioner should not be gra'nte published m the Ann Arbor Argus, a newsranpr printcdandoircilaied in said county three aun cesíive week previous to said day nf arinir J. WILLARDBAHIUTT (Atruecopy.) Jud2e of Probate. William G. BoTY, Probate Register. Commissioners' Noice STT? OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY OF O Washtenaw. The undersigned havinï bwn appomted by the Probate Court for said Countv Commissioners to rcceive, examine and ad i i sí all claims vnd demands of all persons aminst th estáte of Amarda G. Buck, late of snid 0Unhr eceased, liereby give notice thai six nionths from dale are allowed, by order of said Probate Court for Creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they win meet at thf late residence of said deceased in thecity of Ann Arbor, in said county, on the flrst day of Jun" nd on Iheseoond da of September nest, at tD 'doek A. M. of each ol said days, to reeeive xamineand adjust said cluims rceive, Dated Aau Arbor Marcli 1, 1891) ELEAZER E. CALKINS, WILLARü B. HENDRICK8, Commi8Biooers, Notice to Creditors. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is liereby inven hatbyan order of the Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw, made on tiie 2ith day of Maren, A. D. 1835, six months from tliat date vere allowed for creditors to present their claims gainst the estáte of Daniel butherlaod, late f said county. dc-ccased, and thwt all creditors of nd deceased are iequiredto present theirclaimsto aid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the ïtyof Ann Arbor, for examination and allowame. n or before the 25th day of September next, and lat such claims will be heard before said Court n the 2Sth day of June, and on the 25th ay of September next, at ten o'olock u the foieoon of each of said days. Dated Aan Arbor, March 25. A. D. 1S9Ï J. W1LLARD BABBITT, ludee ol Probaie. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of Washtenaw. The undeisisned havlng )een ippointed by the Probate Court for said ouuty, commissioners to reocive, examine and djust all claims and demands of all persons gamst the estáte of George M. Heniou, late of üd couuty, deceased, hereby ive nonce that six nonths from date, are allowed by order of said 'róbate Court, tor creditors to present tbrir claims gaïnst the estáte of said receasrd, aud that they ill meet at the Uite residence f said deceased. in the City of Ann Arbor, In said county, oi the24th day of April and on the ï!411i oay of July, next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of s.iid days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated Jauuary 24, 18%. ' H vRLES ft. WOUDEN, JOEL, A. MINEB. Commissioners.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News