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Hood's Sarsaparilla

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That Ti red Feèïinjf Ia a dangerous symptom. It means " I have been taking Hood's S ft lack of vitality in the blood- a def-frkrtri'c HdC AIiM + Parilla for six months. Bef ore Vh1 orease of the red corpuscles upon which 1 IUUU O 1 Ido IT1C1 lt taking it I had that tired feelint the strength and richness of the blood ... . _ . I got up in the w When dependa. It comes especially in the 0fl6 Bottle Farther headacie and my Zd wa Spring because the system has been Use Cured pure. Since I have been takiJ'w T subject to unusual demands during the ■ q .,, rainng Hood's old weather. The wasted vigor must riip Disease, Scfatic Rheumatism, öirsaParllla all that tired jg be re-supplied. That tired feeling That Tired Feeling. ' f ouc' also the eadache, and my blood must be overeóme, or else the apis pure again." Wiixiam O proaching hot weather will have most " I read that 0Qe bottle of Hood's 10 Tower St FaU m M DKES serious effects. The best Sarsaparilla would convince me of its ' ' iUassSpring Medicine merits, and I have found this true. ( Maltes the Weak Strong. Is Hood's Sarsaparilla, because it eures " Some two years ago two ulcers " had a tlred and drowsy feeling That Tired Feeling by purifying, enappeared on my "hip, which, af ter being aud my newes were in a bad condi. riching and vitalizing the blood, givsoi-ealongtime broke anddischarged. tion and appetite was poor, so 1 Cons s "ui fe" i algo was attacked with sciatic rheucluded I wnnlil fit tt,u o ing it power to carry health to every matí8nl) my J bein? drawn s0 that f "led J Ollld take Hood's Sarsapa. organ of the body. It " makes the could liardly get around the house. I , ' X naa taken the second weak stroiigr'' not by stimülating, but hardly knew what a good night's rest bottle L bc?an to feel much better and by actually giving strength, by buildwas. The hip trouble caused me great I recommend Hood's to all." Elmkr ing up the wasted energies, restoring trouble and anuoyance, and eczema J. Woolley, Jamesburg, New Je the appetite and assisting the stomach appeared on my hands. Naturally I ' My brother and myself have had and digestive organs in their began to run down, was weak and low SCrofula or salt rheum ever siupp tant functions. The haportance of atPirited. The physician told me my We took Food's ' ... ,, . . ... hip would have to be operated upon " wok iooü s barsapatenaiiig to this matter of health now before j wollM get any better. At rllla and commenced to get better. cannot be overestimated. Hood's Sarlast I decided to take one bottle of Wlien we had taken one bottle and a saparilla will make a vast impi-oveHood's Sarsaparilla. In three weeks ]ia]f eaci1; we were CUrod My motler ment in your feelings. It will thormy Jhfejlmtl?mt enth'ely disaPPeared nsed to be ta-oubled with'headache and oighly renovato j-our system and fit au oun la _ p ■ os, but took Hood's Pilis and w you for the dutiea and pleasures of I Was on the Gain. cured." James Scanion, 64 Eoxford the spring and summer. This was very encouraging, and I found St., Norwich, New York. -ru Ai,-f,,i ..-,. that I could sleep well at night. My The Wonderful Cures health steadiivimproved, and; of course Hood's and On!y Hood's. of söEofula, salt rheam, eczema and j continued taking 'Hood's Sarsaparilla. i took Hood's Sarsapanllá tor other diseases which have been accomMy hip has been resto red to good tired worn out feelin' aad it h plished by Hood's Sarsaparilla have ditiou, the sores have stopped n ' miHiVinI th,t t i, " given it the leading place in the field and healed up. I am able for the %fL b fhS a bÏL W 0 T . -.m i tt j, first time m three years to do my own evel taken. 1 nad a Oieaking out on of medicine. Wlien you take Hood s hougcworkj and can waik two" miles my face which I thought was erysip. Sarsaparilla to purify your blood you without trouble. I have no symptoms elas. j commenced using Hood's Sar are not experimenting The facts all of rheumatism; that tired feeling has s ri]la and have not had f & prove absolutely that in Hood's Sarentirely left me. My neighbors say I F . 3 um sapariUa you have a medicine tried look better than for many years. I trouble Mes. H. B. Keadu, and true. It bas cured thousands of do earnestly recommend Hood's Pickaway, West Virginia, others and it will do you good. Do saparilla to all sufferers, especially Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all not be induced to buy any other. those afflicted with impure blood." druggists. $1; sis for $5. Preparad Insist upon Hood's and only Mks. A. S. Bowbn, Cline, Arkansas. by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The Blood Purifier and True Nerve Tonic.


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