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... Makes A Statement

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Durnnt was sten by au A s;cltsd Press reporter and sald: "i'he last. time I met Miss Lamont .vas on thp uiorningof tli3 day 6hc disappnarei. AV taike.1 nbout books, and 1 prorniae .,. bok fur her to moetinx thftl aighi Miss Lamont dn! jij:: uomn to i li HïPtr.iDg and the followini; day, Fr! ur i;.; the book-to her tioiysc an! sí.ivh fo o hor sia ter. The la. i:r toni mo i ,h hrni gon to sohoul, öVkiontily lj ,; i ,i face of her ui.ip i .;-i,i . i a wnn i',, k h all Iknow ot l,i ■ L tin ;: ,-,■.: rilo tast time L s'iw Miuu'm WHIUaais wsw throe weeka ago." When oontrorttod bv evlclenc? thnt Miss WHliams' ni--i' had eeu Cound In his pockííC. DuraYit i?ave i h: follow)!itt explanación: I was Koillg irui the ■moeting VoroI' Fi'iday nilit when nsy foot struvk a stuall objooo ou thu sidewalk. I picked it up and lound it was a sraall mirror. Mear by was a purse, which I also picked up. I took them both home with me, intendlng to teil my folks oí my flnd. It was late, however, and I went right to bed. In the morning I was in a üurry to get away wlth the gignal corps and forgot all about it." The pólice tuke exoeptlon to Durant's statement that he had not seen Miss Williams for throe weeks. They say they oan prove that ho was seen with her on Monday or Tuesday and possibly later. In his statement at pólice headquarters Rev. Dr. CtIsoh asserts his belief in i)urant's iniiücence, but. is unnble to ofiVi any tKeory as to the fxuilt.y party. Tnis much can be said for Duran t-he did not act like a guilty man whon arrested, and his prepara tions to leave w?re made without oonoealment before the murder oí Miss William;;.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News