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Estáte ot Seth T. Otis. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session ol the Probate Cnurt tor tho Countv of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office i u the City of Ann Arbnr, on Friday, the I5U1 day of March, in the yearone ïLousand eipKt liuiulred and ninety-6ye. Preeent, J. Willaul Babbitt, Judce of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Setb T. Otis, Jeceascd. Dasel K. Otis, administrator. etc., ot said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to recder hls final account as aucü adminislrator, etc. Thereupon it is ordered, thatTnesday, the 18th day of April next, at ten o'clook in the forenoon, beasaiijned for exnmining and allowing such aecount, and tliat that the dcvisees, legateea and heirs at law of said eceased.and allother persons intereated in Raid estáte are required to appear at a session of aal-5 conrt, tben to bu holden at the Probate Office in the city ol Ann said county, and show cause, if nny I there be, why the said account ahon'.d not be allowed. And it is further orderea. that said admintstratoi Kive notice to the persons interested iïi said estáte of .the pendency of said account and the hearing thcreof, by eausin n copj of this order to be pnbliahed in the Ann Abboii Argus, a newspaper printed and ireulatinKÍn said county, three succesöive ■wecka previous to said day of I hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, [A true copy.] Jndge of Probate. Wm. (j. DoTY. Probate Register i Estáte of Emeline Drake. OTATJÍ OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0 At a session ofths Prohatt i Court for th County of Washtennw, holci.n at tbt Í Probate OOioa in the City of Aiid Ar!ior, on Tjtsday, the 19 h day ot Mar h, in tbr yiar : onc rbüusaud eiirhi hundred and ninety-iive. Present. J.Willard Knbhitt, Judfre of Probate. In the matter ui' the estáte of Emelrne Drake, ' deccased. Onreading and the petition duly rprifnid of Héctor Drake, praying tbat adniiniHttatiun oí said eslate may be grunted to himsolf, or some otbtr 3uitablc peison. Thercupou it is ordered, that Tuesday, tbc ïfith day of April next, at ter. o'clock in the foronoon, he ansitined for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of aai'l decpased and all other persont? interest ed in haid estáte, are required to appeai at a Mession olpaid Cmirt, tlieu to be bolden at the Probate Oftiue, in the city of Aun Arbor, and show canee, ïf aoy thee be, why thepruyeroi the potitioner shoull notlie granted: And il isfurlher ordi-red.that nid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said eatittc ot the pendency oisaiü petition, and the hearing thereof, bvcausin? a copy of tlne order to be publisbeil in the Ann Arbok AttGs, a newspaper pnntPd and circulated in said County, tbree Rncce.ssivtweeka previous to auid day of ht-aiine. J. WIliLAKD BABBITr, [A true cosy] Judjfc of ProbdtiWilliam G. Doty, Probate P.cïister. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJNT1' OF Ij Washter.iiw- sa. In the matter of theestate of Jacob Hoinzmnmi. d'.'ceascd. Notice is hereby glven, Hipt In parsnance of an ord c granted to the undersicned, aiiininIstrator oi the estáte ot ss ■!. by tlic Hor,. Jiidr of Probate for tho County Of Washtenaw, 011 tini tiitli day of April, A.D. 1896, there wlll be sold at pu llcvendue, to tht; hiui bi der, ut ihe üorth'-easi corner of West WUUatn and Tlurd streetg, 1d thêoltj 01 Ain A i-i mr. In the County of Waahtenaw, In sal 1 stnte, on Saturday the 2h duj' of May, ■ M 1895, at two o'cJock In the af lernoon óf tbat diiy isulijo''t to all encumtrancee hy mortgage or otherwise ex stins at the (imeol tne ali thé foüowiDg described real: 1 M;it-, t,( i-wit: All those parvas of lund in the city of ■ n Arbor, Washtenaw couiry. Mtol Igan, deacribed s toll(iw.v: lst, i.ots one and two in block three sonth, mnge two west, excepting there UoiM tour roos In width off from theaouth siiio thereof 2il ( oiiiiiienringon tbesouthwost corner of blook three south, range ose west, thence runntng north 011 the west line of said block iih bandrea ;ind tventy-nve [eet, thonce tast parallel vith tbesouth line of said lilock three and one h-ilf red, thenoeaouth j)',i 1:1 1 Ifl wtth s west line to the south line Of ald block them'.o 1 to the place ol" bej?inBd.Oommenolng at a polni thrcuandone Imli nxls cast of the west corner of block tbree i-outh, range one wis , thence runïildir north parallel with the west line of said block, one lmndrPd and twenty-tlve feet, thence east par Hel with south line three and one-lialf rods, srïuth parallel with the west line to tbc south line of said blook tbence w-t on south line of block to 1 he place of beg inning 4th,('omine:. ■iniit the south-eastcorn rol lot eitht, in bloc three sonth of Humn streef range one west, accoröng to the plat cl Win. 8. Maynard'a addition and runumg east on tho sou tb in 1 lot number ulne, i" ■ rods, thence north two rods east of the weet Une of said lot, one chala andthirt-slxilink, thonce wi -1 two roda, thence south on line ui said lot one chalo and thirty-slx links to the place of beg ning ai d east one rod In w d h 1.11 from tlic bouth on hundred nm n flve loei in lenKth of .'ots seren and eight 1 bl ':k fcnr e south, range one west. rth.Oommeticlnirai apoini in thewpst IIdu of block thrce eouth..rSnge o rest, in Wm ri. Mayuard's addhion, one-hu dred and tweatj - five reet north of the south-west corn r of said bloek, theuce running north on the line of said blook flfty reet, tbenc-e ea 1 paralle] with the soul li line 1 f lol bloei toth nor! b-wosi eorn I ook, ttienoe Bouth ou the west line of t, tb v. 1) With tth llu.eof.6ald block to ' ho place HENKYJ.MAN, AuiuiuK trator. ri R. WILLIAMS, AttopT at Lav and Fenáon Claim Aitornev, MJLAN, MICH. Convoj-anciiii? aiid Cuikcüujis.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News