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Did you ever see one of the fatnous I waterproof Interlinea Collars or Cuffs? It's very easy to teil, for they are all niarked tliis way #TRAOC KLLULOIO u ' rney are tüe only Interlincd and Cuffs, and are made of linen, covcrod with waterproof " Ceixuloid." They'll stand right by you day in and day out , aud they are all marked tuis way . JOL te TRAoe sT The nret cost is the only cost, for they keep clean a long time, aud when soiled you cao. clean thein in a minute by simply 4hg off with a wet cloth - that is the Kind marked this way lX khi TRADf _ Elluloiq 71 m0 j These collars and cuffs will outlast six liuen ones. The wearer escapes laundry trials and laundry bilis - no chafed neck and no wilting down if you &ct a collar marked this way J T bJ TRADf ':: " 'ï in 0i Tt "' Ask your dealer first, and take nothing that has not above trade mark, if yöa desire perfect satisfactiou. All otiicrs are imitations absolutely, , If you can't find collars oir cuffs marked th ve will send you a pie postpaid ou receipt of price. Collars, 25 ets. cach. Ciiffs 50 ets. pair. Giva your size aud say whether standnp or turned-down collar is wauted. THE CELLULOID CCW1PANY, :9 Eroadway, NEW YOUJi. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. pOK&AT.E -A fine seoond-hand Purreyand ■ Single Iliirmss. alinost ps good as new( for ?al cheap. Euqulre at 63i4 Ë. Huion St. :w FOR SAT.E - I liavo a quantity of early whitc Bveret potatoes l wlll eell tr seed. Residente, towneblp oí Salem, i ruile east Irom tho soul h-weht coni' r. 8T-29 Wm. H. Hakhison. 'I O RENT -Twentv Uve acres of laúd oneh'alf ni lie west ot the Cliy nf muí Arbor, known a Eber blie Farm Piense enquire uf Mrs. A Btward, 52 E. Lileity Pt , Ann rl oí'. 26-28 r (■ STOHSTOI.EX--A wbltetmll'dogr.weigat ' i :i!out4'i 1 lis.. urs nut cllpped; nnsvers ni.iue 1 1 1' "Iirn " A liberal lewmd wlll lie palo I he fluder lor eltht r r. t u i n int don to or notifylne Jacob Zceb, Ktnery, Mich. 25-8 VIMNTET)- Twómen wbo undoretnnd work " in f mal I fiults; one lo be n mnirii d man to oecppv huuso Apply, Miees La Jol . 21 W ( hubUlioad. Fon BAIEOR RKNT- A nfw f-rctm house wllh i tood Imin, p ort well tv o t,cod cii torns, (me nul 1 f lotsof lanrf. Terina t :,í-v. I-.uquhc tu V'á Detioit St., Aun Ai lior. a t-f. BrCYCLKPAI.E. A Víctor Model, flrstclass, al ;i redneed price. l'leasa culi nnti examine ut H8 S Main M;., Comer of Willmmp. FOR SALE.- SO acres on Chubb St. in acre or üi'O aove lots or all togetbi r, Long timr. fiinill piiymcnt, '; pi i cení hiten ?fc H. McUoDüld, 42 MolTat Building, Detroit, Mich. PARM TO about 2C0 acres p!ow ianfl xt Saline, Mlch. Good fcnoisariíl tiiiins. Water m barns Cali on A. M. riaik, 47 S División et., Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark, Saline, Miei., 11 ANTE D- A MAN Ín every section atonce ' to eell stai'le crpods to dealers; no peddliníi', experience unnecessary; bestside line. í75.0Oa nionth tvilary and expenpe4 orlarge commiSíion mnde. Addiefs, with 2 cent stamp for sealed partlculars, Cliftc n Soapand MunuíautuririB' Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. POÜWRir wnnted- market priee paid for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Fiftn and SummitStreets. V. C. Weeks & Co., Ann Arbor. FjOK SALE CHEAP-My house and lot on th" corner nf Traver iind Pontiac streets, in the Fiftli warcl of the city of Ann Arbor. A desirable location lor wood or coal yard. By the side of T. & A. A. tracks. v illiam Action. Januury 23, 1895. 9 nr'O KENT.- At No. 2" S. State St. A flat of Í 6ix rooms. Enquire at 18 S. Slate St. 28tf PIANO TUN1NG- A. D. Drown, the wcll known piano timer with C. J.Whitney, wlll be in iho city soon. Orders left at the akoüs office will receive his attention. PERSONS intending to put out maple or elm hliHilo trees shtmld coireepund with . V. H.O'BRIKN Whittaker. POR BALE OR HENT.-Lnrce new ■ with all modern improvements, cibtern a-d i-itv water Ia bouie undwell near door. Will take in part paymeot .sinnll house or lots or small farm near city, balance on loog time and low interest. P. Ö. Box 13J6. Pensions! If y ou want a Pension, or re-rating, or any question answer d Jn Vension or Patknt casea Wrlto J. L. BT.KKW15aTHEK, Attorney, Komeo, Miei, Mr. Starkweaiher secured over ten per cent. t of uil origin-1 Pension allowed in Michigan ' for the montti of Augusr, JíSHO; 6U3 allowed.- Detroit Free Press. Estáte of Flavíus J. Comstock. TATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNTY OP Washlenr.w, sa. Ai it st8sion of tl e Prohme Court for tïie Cutmty oí' Wusutfnaw.holieD at the ) Probtite Office ín ihe City of Ann Arbor. o i'rldny, the 5th day ot Ai ril in the year í 01 ethousand cicht hiuulred aud Diuety-five Present, J Wiiiani Bnbblttv Jndge uf Probate. In the m:itt(-r oí" tbc estnte of Finvins J. Oon.Btotkt(ïecoaved. UniCiidhiíí un'l fllinff Ihe peütion duly verified of Altl-a A. Cbmstock. jir.iyii g ihat a cerUlfi ïiistiumfnt now on file in Ons courf.pnnoitinii to bfl th' lost wiil umi ttlMieiit or deceitfled ma y be ndmitttd io pr h te, nd thatadniitijf ti'uiiun vUh the Will annuxed, ol siid esta'c ninyheL'i" nttdto he-sfli.(l hcru bemg nu cxecutor i[i m id will niimed), or to soine other tuilat Jo per601). 'i'horeupon it is ordrred, tíiat MoiHay, tbp fcth day of AlHy next. it 10 oVloek in tbe foreioon, De aBslL'iit'd lor the liciuinu' of snM ppiiiinu, aul thai tl) e devíseos, legntees and hei atJaw of said deceaeed and tli otber persone ïiiUrtftf iu said estáte, are r j liired tu apptar at a. spssion of BRid court, tlien to be holdeii at the l'roliKte Ottice in tbe city of Ann Arbor, a mi show canse, i any thre be, why tíie prayer f tbe pctiiioncr bhould not be jrranted. And ii la further ordezod tlmt said potiiiiMc-r Ktve uotue to the pt ïncns i Dl c rested in said eaiale it the pendencj of said pot ition aud the hearinu thefcol, by ctiuRin a copy ol tliia order to be puliliahed in the Ann Akrok ARt.ue, a newapapei printed flini cmulatid in said eounty?three 8uccetivo weeks prpvioiiK to said dayoT heaiiog, J. WILLAKDBAB1J1TT, (ATRUkcopy) Jndífe ofProaíe. Wilxiam G. Doty. Probate Reyistcr