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Neckties Always New

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"I ain somewhat nous by natnre, " eaid Mr. Feathers recendy, "aud soma time ago í wa strnck by theremarkabie uuinber of ncw neckties -worn by yauní Mr Ginks, who sits opposite ma at our board uig table. I pronecded to .'tudy thero, and aftera week or two I tliscovered that tbey were not only always srr.ootb and íresh. but that thteir appearance was reguiated according to their hues Fcr two days he would wear a black and gray tío. for instance. Tbeu a fiowered red grouud afïairwcnld erecp out from h;= bosora, and tben two or ; bree, more combinations would be íorn. At ast; i con Id restraia rayselí ao Jonger, and I askad Gink= toexplain to me hi3 necktie systeai. He iooked mysterious and beckoned ma to a secínded corner ""Mr. Feathers, ' he said earnestly, '1 feel that I can confide in yon tborongbly The scarfs you have so kindly admired are five ic uumber Rnd are al! i have i we;it cae uutil it gets soiled, and then Idropit in gasoüne ontside of ruy window After the hquid has svaporared takethe srarf ín, and every siga of riirt ::is öisappcared. By doing tbis in rotation wíth che five ties I keep up an appearance that'woníd cosr more than I cou'd aflord if f depended upon nevv one=. "I thanked the young man for his veryinterestinginfnfmatíon,1' said ;Ir Feathers in conclusión, 'and J. do uot doubt that many otherí likfe him krow tha valué of gasolina as a cleansing aríiolo and put it to gcod use. 1 hopa they all use it in the air, hcwever, as it is a very volatile and inflainrcablo liqnid and ís iable to explode if exposed in a room wbere tbere is a zas lichc or a fire. -


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