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i s H oí s 14 of nwqrotie qr, sec .2; n !4 of e i ',i of n w qr of s e qr, sec. 2; w H of n w qr of 8 e qr, sec X; n ' of n w qr of s e qr, seo 3; n Vi of n e qr of s e qr of seo. 3:9 a in the s w córner of the s w qr of u o qr of sec. 3; s !4 of s e qr of n w qr. sec. 3; n w qrof D w qr, sec. 3; s w qr of n w qr, sec. 3; n 30 a. of s e qr of n o qr, sec. 4; n e qr of n e qr, sec. i); n i4 of n w qr of ti e qr, eee 9; w H of s w qr sec. 3; '.'; of the n e qr of s w qr, sec. 3; s 10 a se qr of n e gr. sec. 4; e !4 of s w qr of n o qr, except the ftileyand church property in ne comer in sec. 4; s V% of n w qr of s e qr of sec; 4; e Vi Of a e qr, eec. 4; n yt of s w qr of s e qr, seo. 4; 8 U of n w qr of n c qr sec. 9; 8 a Ín n o con er of s w qr of n e qr, sec 4. south and west of Oathollc church property; allin the townsbip of Slvau, also the townshijjsof Sylvan and Lima ii t lurge. JJated thls sixth dar of April, A. D. 185. D. W. BARRY, County Draiuiornmissionerof the County oí Wasbtenaw. Chancery Sale. TN PURSOANCE AND 15Y VIRTUE OP AN A order and decree of the Circuit Court for the County of Washlenaw, in chancery, in the State of Michigan, made. and dated tho twenty-ninth diiy o i' Marcíi, A. D 1896, in a certain cause therein pending, wherein Patrlck Kearney is complainant and Lewis F. Albet is dcfendant. Notice is hereby given thatlshall seü at public aucí ion, to the highest bi der, at the south front door of the Court. House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaiv and State of Michigan, said Court House being the place for holding the Circuit Court for 6aid county, on Friday, the tenth day of May, A. D 1895, at ten o'clouk in the forenoon, to raise the amount due to said complainant for principal, interest and costs in this cause, all the followingr described pieces or pareéis of land sitúate in the towusnip of NorthHeld, County of Wnshtenaw and State of Michigan, and described as followe, to-wit: Commencinjrat the southeast corner of the west half of the northwest quarter of section number twenty in township one south, range six east. State of Michigan, running tbence west on the east and wes-t qnarier line of said Feetion forty-l'oiir ro.ïs and fonneen and onethird feet to a stake in the ntghway; tlience northeriy to the north line of snid section to a point therein the distanct from which to the northeast corner of the west half of the northwestquarter of said section shiill bear the samo proportion to width of the north end of said half quarter section, which forty-four rode, fourteen and oue-third feet b' nr to the width of the som li end of said balf-quarter section; thenco east on the north line of said section to tho northeiist corner of suid h;iltquarter section; tix-nce south parallel Mlll the west side ol said section to the cast: and west quarter line of said section to the plce of beslaping, oontainiae f orty-fourand se veneighths acres, mo e or less. Also, cotnmencing nioe rods and two feet east from the southwest cornerol' said balf-quarter section ; running thence north parallel with the west line of said eection eigbteen and oue-half rods toa stake; tlience east thirteon rods; thenee south eighteen and one-hall' rods to a stako in the highway ; thence west to the place of beginning. And also the right to occupy and enjoy the land now covered by the blacksmith shop on said half-quarter section as Ion? as the same shall be used as a blacksmith's shop, and whenever such shop shall cease to be occupied as a blacksmith's shop, then the rights of the grantee or mortgagee to the lands covered by such shop sball cease. Said sale will be made m accordance with the terms of said deeree. , Dated Ann Avbor, Michiftan, April 2, 1895. O. ELMER UÜTÏERÏ'IELD. Circuit Court Commissionor in and lor Washtenaw County. Michigan. TUOS. D. KEARNEY, Boücitor for Complainant. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUrT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conditions of a mortgage executPd by ■ John W. Cowin and Dorcus M. Coivan To ! Grace Fasqucllo. dnled Mnroh ;üst, 873, recorded in the oflice ot the Hegister of , Deeds for Woshtenaw County, Michigan, April 2nd, , 1878, in Liber 49 of nwtgages, on puije 37, ; whieli mortgage was diily asslgned by the ' enutorsof the last will and testament of Grace t'asquellfe, deceased, to Watson Geer, . and said assignment recordedlo saií ter's office, tn Liber 5 ot assjgnmenis of ! gages, on page 4t, upwu which ïnortgage there is olafmed to be due Kt. the dnte of ttiis i notlcc, for principal, interest and attorney's fee, as provided for In said mortgasre, the siim of Twenty-four Hundred and Twtnty-nino Dollar?. Not ce is hereby given, that said mortgage I will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgatíed premisfis at public vendue, to the higbest ' der, at the southerly front door of tho Court j '■ House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said 1 Counry, on the .'■th day of .Tuly next, at tü i o'cloek in (he forenoon. to satisty the amount i olaimed to be due on ad mortgage, and all i legal costs, ti wit: The northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of pection number two, ! i also the east half of the soutbwest quarter of i i the northeast quarter of section numbur two, ! i Township of Manchesti r, Washtenaw County, i State of Michigan. i Dated April h, 18P5. i MARY ,T. GEER. i Administratrix of the Estáte of i vvawon Geer, deceased, Assiguee of said Mortgage. D. C. Griffen. Attorney for Administratrix.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News