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Hood's Sarsaparilla

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9 O ■ 1 la O I w I O O B O I tl ft At tlús season, more cmphatically than at any other, So casy to takc and so readily assimilatcd th wc should build for the future. fying, vitalizing and enriching elementa of Hood' AVhen Nature gíves vitality to field and wood, there saparilla - combined from nature's own storeh shonld be the harmony of renewed life and energy in our vegetable remedies for human ills, pass into the to" physical systems. and are then silent]y but certan]y up But, on the contrary, wo find ourselves weak, dull, and 6ent to evciy organ and tis8ue of the bod tirod. This is because in the winter we have been Thc cffcct is often magiCal. houscd-up in poorly ventilated offices, homes and shops, The wcaknes8 is 6Oon driven off, that tired fc ]i our blood has bccome thin and impure, and is unequal to disappears, the nei-ves are baUt Tip, the stomach res " the demand of the body for more life, more vigor, more its taskg even greedily, the appetite becomes as 81 " energy, more strength. as a whetstone, and the whole mau fed ( J J Nature impcratively cries for help 1 , ,' , , c . , „ now' Whcre is it to bo fouud? WOnderful CUreS f Scroiula' Salt Kheum, and Logically enough, ia a good Spring Medicine, like ther dreadful cHseaSeS pr0Ve the grcat curaüvo, blood Hood's Sarsaparilla, thc grcat blood pnrifier. purifying powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla. This preparation has proven in many ycars of test You undoubtedly need a good Spiing Medicino that it supplies the demand as notliing else can Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the grcat blood purifier. The statements in the testimonial below and was followed by others, til! six had "We have used Hood's Sarsar,Tiiio t We familiar facts to the immediate friends formed and broken. our little boy, who had a runnW so Df Mr. Geo. A. Zirkle, school teacher, of "Pinally, three years ago, another large one of hia limbs. He had sufiered fr Mt. Horeb, Tenn., very well known tumor seated itself on the point of my it for one and a half years He tí throughout the county, where he was lar bone and in six months another half seven bottles of Hood's Sarsaüarilla a bom and has always lived. It illustrates way back on the bone. Both of them soon the eore is all healed and he is now n the wondert ui power of Hood's Sarsapabegan to discharge and continued to do so Hood's Sarsaparilla cleansed his bloodZí rüla over all diseases of the blood. Readit: tiUabout seven months ago. I tried cured him. E B Johnson Rh "Ibelieve in Hood's Sarsaparilla. Iwül thing, including prescriptions. Iwasoften water, Iowa. ' nage" teU you why. I have suffered from inso weak that I could scarcely walk and my Scrofula Eradicated hented scrofula from childhood. When 37 mind was so conf used that I could scarcely I am a ereat sn nm, „ttv. u years of age my eye became „ttend to my business (school teaching) b„ iTave takL se veral h n, V'00' Btrangely Affected. I was utterdiscoura.ea. And now my LslTlZTtZl I could not read after sunset, and when I story draws to a close. I began the use of 1 1 ever saw for scrofula humor 7aZ hln m would close my eyes I oould not open Hood's Sarsaparilla a little less than a year poison. It Etrengthens the svstem a them; but on whichever sidel Uy enthat ago, and took five bottles. When I began drives away that tired feeliri No 1 side I coulo open my oye. This condition I had no faith in it. In Iss3 than 3 months knows the good Hoed Sarsaparilla will do continuer! .cbout two years, and was sucuntil it has been faithfully tried "Lauba ceeded by an intolerable itching all over Both the Sores Lawton, Spragueville, New York. my body and limbs I had to have my on my shoulder were healed ; I was cured Sores On Neck and Arms. little boys take shoe brushes and scratch of a troublesome catarrh; and scrofulous "Last spring I had sores come on my me. It was dreadful. It continued a habit has steadily grown less apparent. I neck and arms, owing to ba blood and s month and was followed immediately by a weigh more than I ever did in my life and run down system. My physician toldme tumor in the right sideof my neckaslarge am in the De3t of health considering my to get Hood's Sarsaparilla and take it to as a small egg. I took physicians' j constitution. Do you wonder that I purif y my blood. After taking three botscriptions tiU I lost hope. In the , lif5ve in Hood's Sarsaparilla ? I can do no tles I was cured. It ie an excellent spring time the tumor changed its place to the j less than recommend it everywhere." medicine." Mrs. Anua Ditzlbe New immediate front of my neck, suppurated Geo. A. ZraKLE, Mt. Horeb, Tenn. Danville, Pennsylvania. Remember, It is Not What We Say, but What Hood's Sarsaparilla Does that Tells til Story. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES.' - ■ ■


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