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"shore Acres."

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The Chicago Record Tuesday, Jan, 29, 1895: A wonderfully great play beautifully acted - stich is "Shore Acres" as offered last night at McVicker's theater. ' ' Shore Acres" had its first production in Chicago two seasons ago, and it will be a lasting discredit to the town tbat it did uot make a great financial success. James A. Herne took his play "east and rewrote it. ín Boston and New York it achieved the success it so richly deserved, and now it has come back to Chicago and the plny-goers have an opporttmity to demónstrate the fact that they know a good thing when they see it. "Shore Acres" is strong in dramatic interest because it deals with the loves and passions of living men and women. The play reveáis what is almost the perfection of art, becanse it is so like the life with which it deals. It is a great composition, because there are so few false notes. The pictnres are so startlingly true that they must have been conceived by an artist who could feel the life around him. Two brothers, a farm, some yoting people stubbornly in love, a spoiling ambition which hardly reached beyond the farm fences. narrow prejudices battling against new and half-understnod conceptions of life, sacrifices awkwardly given, cbildren playing throngh it all and not understanding, a dull routine of out-of-theway life with tragedy showing itself I timidly and comedy trying to cover the ; grief, love which can do but not say - such is "Shore Acres." There is no need to repeat the simple story, for the ; story not the thing. The play is purely some pieoes of truth put together by a man who had the bravery to know that art can never go beyond truth. It j ír beautifully staged and excellently acted. At the Grand opera house, j urday April 27.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News