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"Gemot : ftegardmg prospecta for the roralng yr, fold ny, Aop (o doubt our laat yrar's output of Aetmctors, or, at Uaxt, a,i uw have done in the peut, wíí ttewíyfawr om of errry trentv-Ji ? unndmülá thnt are notrt. Simo mmmtncinq the ai in I#9, WE IUVH bOLIl ABUIT 500 AERMOTORS Wadonot ttribute this fairly good record entirelyto onrffffrto, but to tlio supenority of the goods wliich you mako. Pwiill ii Da vis. Urbana, Hl., Fcbruary 18, 1896." Gfktlekkn : We liouglit and put up Aerniotor No. 2, tnd ut of the fint fifi y which you made vt had thirieeii. Smce tfczt time we have sold about 400 AERMOTORS Jn out smalt tcrritcry is representedthe li i story of the Aermotor nd the Aerinotor Coiupany írom the bcginning to the present hoixr. Thot history is one _fc of unbtoken tnumph. JUidefrom the Aei motor élf there have licon but few thervrindmillsputup AÊXUMm m oor terntory- fust noutch uith uhicli to ifírnKi Miif 1 'and how th infinite OfQÍBíPSH Pernt y of the Aermotor in design, BnJTrnr'wn ''" '" innh (all g.ilvanizcd Wmm aft er conipleiion), and abiltfy to ran ÊmÊV1& and o cffective work when all others stand '1 le for want of tvmd. W flhould have sold more, Ll but ihis región was well fvpphcd with wind powrr when the Aermotor p prxred, it heinp on I y 06 mi lea III to Chicago, and had for Cr been the battlc ground III fr ten or twelve of the rgest, best known and I I strongest windmill coraStniM, all beitiR lorated I 1 with in 50 miles of us. CCH OF 01 K BISI1F.HS I 11 HAS COMK KR031 UKrtulCIKO WOODEN AND I I O T II E R INSaTISFACTOBT WHEEL9 WITH All AK1Í.U0T0US. You say ya have duviiu' the past luV sur) asset any previont yoar's record by I WK about one-half , and that yim ntpect to doublé your HtXB last year's outnit tlia mrng year. Count on us mfk l f"r our portion of it, for tbe Aern.otor i.ever stood farthcr nlove all competitors in repu tion and in f act tha.n to-day. Surtí & BnietiT, Marcngo, III., Ttbrvary 25, 1895." The next Aermotor ad. will be of pumps. Wesh&ll offer for $7.50 a $15 Ifcrie way f orce pump. All dealers shonld have it or can get it Cd mII t that price. AM Aermotor men will have it. The week feitowing will appear our advertisement of gatvtnized steel tankiMt 2 cent per gallon. They neither shrink, leak, rust, twmikcwittrUiUlttd. Aermotor CO. CUeafO. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Designs PRICES THE I.OWEST oscabTo! soug THE DEC0RAT0R, 7O S. 1SLjAl.J1J ST. fcS E A "l MmS CATi I OnTAIN A PATENTÍ Fora rompt answer and an bonest opinión, wrlte to BIIJNN & CO.t who imvc liad nearlyflíty years' cipcrience in the patent business. Communlca. tlons stiïctly conflrtential. A Ilnnribook of Information concerninfc l'nteiits and bow to obtain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanica! and scientiflc boofcs sent free. Patents taken tlironcli Jlnnn & Co. recelve specuil noticTinthe Sniontilic Anicrirnn. and tbus are broualit widely before the pubhcwitucut cost to the invontor. This splendid paper, lsencd weekly. eteiantly illustratect. has by far the larcest circulation of any scientifle work in tne world. S.'{ ayear. Sample copies sent free. Building Eilition, monthly, $2.60 a year. Single fopies, 'J-i cents. Everynumher contains beautilnl platos, in colors, and pliotoprnphs of new boules, wito plans, enabline nuilders to.snow the latest desiens and secure enntracts. Artrtress MUNN & CO NtW YOUK, 31 BitoAUWAT. in o i sé M II I P5 5 g S li R 3 SÏÏI-.J rp. M a (H 2. tí g s 11 q i ! á ö ?i b s i 9 ï S 1 3 11 e 1 9 ss S i a il i i BIÏÜEI á SMMin BAKERT, GBOCEBT AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE, We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wholesale or Ketail Tráete. We shall also keep a supply ot ONBOEÜVE'N GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.'a Beot White Whsai Flour, Rye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Fjed, &c &c, &c. At Wholesale nd Retail. A general stock 01 ÖEOOEICES AND PEOVISIONS consta ntlv on hand, which will be sold on as rtusonahle terms as at :vnv other house in the city. ggpCash p;u(! tor Butter, Kjfs, and Country Produce generallv. fyCTOod Dclivcred to any part oí the city with f ii' i'r , chrirff. Rinsfti & Sonbolt. Fruit Trees! Xf ynu int o rul to set out Peach, Pear, Apple or j Fruit Trees oí uiy kind. you w, 11 f;iv money i by wrltirjK 'o Jlie Michigan NURSERY CO., ' MONROfc, mich. TlH-y have tli" lest and burdKsr VHr eties for flus prtt'tot' tlit' country. 6mall Fruits ot All Kinds, and a ni'o ns.sdr - ment of the test and Hosps, j l)ory and t Ornamental Tri ■ and Plan s. j W. S. MOORE, f (Kemoved f rom 57 S. Main to 27 S. Main St.) j T%XTWlTCCnr' Work done m Bil JLJUalV X 1Z X ■ forti of mviirn (Ji-nttstry. Crown and Bridge work a penalty gütisfaction G uaranteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) ïl South tui SM, M Á&SO&, ÏU


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