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Commissioners' Noice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY i of WnfUlHtinw. The niideisiuned havinc heen appollitcd by the Prol-aio Couli for aid Couniy, (Jomnitestouern to ncelve, pxnntitie aml udjuftl 'ill claims und diMimnds of II persons, iliihinat Ilie cslnle ut Emiline Brak", Inte ui suid cnutity. dewasi'd, hcleliy glvc nouce IIirv lx ninnths fnin dale ure allowid.üy ordi-rof -aid , Piob:iic ( _"o u 1 1 , lor credttors to present their claims apniiist the estáte ofsarJ doceased and thal Ihei ' wtll meet at th oüich of Hlhn I! Pond, in the fit y of Ann Arbor ín 8id .cnunly. on lïie l7th day or July, and on the I71I1 diiy ol Octob' r, nexi, , at leu oVIock a ni. ofeitch of s:iid da a,.to receive.exintiu'e ntid iidjukt suid cluimn. Ualed, April 17, 18!. KI.IHU Tí. P"VT. COilSrOCK. F. IUI.L, Commistiioners. Estáte of William R, Tuomy. OTATE UF lYtCHIGAN, CÜUNTT Oof Wiislitennw hh. At 11 sssi'in 01 the Vro iate C'onrt inr ihecountyot Wanhteiiitw, holden il ihn l'ro'nito ' tli' f in Uu city ol Aiili Ailor un I VVidnesdny, 7li riny April, m the year une tiiousmul íl'Iu liumlred ttnd nmei y-líve. . ivBt-iit. .(. Willnrcl liiil'biti, Jmlito of l'rnbale. Id the matter of llie enlute ut William K. Tuomy, decaei d. O" readilid and filini; the p (ilion dniy veriil' dof iTi' a Tuomy, pniTiigtlmt a rertain instrument ) w "ii ti c in lilis (ii.rt, puip riing 10 liethehist will iind n&iiim-'it ui mini deccasel, may )J Hdmilied 10 iirubaic, Hiid ilmt ion if siid Mae may gniuted 11 Lbvne7. r í-miih, tl e p ecutnr 111 sai 3 w ill uamed, or to soiii othe 1 su ii ;il -le pt-ií-on. Ihereupon it is oidered, Ilmt Fiiday, tho iltiy 01 Ma. ncxt, iit len o'c'ock in 1 1 ■ e lorenootl, be nbnipntal lor thn liuiiiufi of :ii(] petilion, and tliat the devises luga'ecK ai d hiirs Ht Ittw nf mid decoi'SOd, uud II oitier perurm interei-ted Iti ftid .staie are required to ipprur al a ■M'ssiou ot Kid C urt, tlien to le holden at ihe Po'uitf UfSce in 1 tic city nf Aun árbof, and Show rauHi it íiny therelie, uliylhe piaytrof the petitiorn-i sliould nnt ciaiiícd: And 11 ia furlheror deredthat íaid pctitliner(lve nnt ice tothe persons nteres-ed in saul e-ilute of the pcndeiuy ot said peiltluoqnd tile lieminu thi'ieot I y canslng eopj of lliis ordt-r to lie pohlished iu Ihe ANN Akbor A jtííus, a newKpaper prinlei and circuland in aid coiinty.thiecsucctssive weekp previous to said dttv ot heuriii''. .I.WILLAtlO BABHITT, [A trne copy 1 Jiiüge of Probalf Wm. G Iótv. Probate Ueeieter. Real Estáte for Sale. TATK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtci.iiiv- es. In tliu matter of tho estnto of Jucob Heinzn 1 m 1111, (Icccíisí (1. No' Ice is licri'bv glven, tlmt ín pursuance of an ordi r gronted to 1 lie undersined, aclmiuistrat"r of the estot of suicl decteased, bv the Hom. Juclfjo of Probnte for the Cnunty of Washtmaw, on ihu tllth day of April, A. II. 189Ó, thei'i will be sohl t uu lic venuuu. to the h ulics' 1 t u r, at ihc north-easi corner of West Wil 1 lam nml Tlnrd truti, In thocllj 01 Ann Arbor, in ilief'ounty ol Wahtenaw, in fa"i Rtutr, on Snirdny ilie 2"ih day ■ if .Muy, A D 189.", at two o'clocK in the afertiooi) of thiit dny subject to all encumbrancea r.y mnrtnage ir otheiw sk ex stlng ut the 1 time of the raio the fullowiug described real estáte, tn-wit: All tliosc parees of land in the city of 'nu Aibor, Wttghtenaw eouny. Miei if?an, descrlb ed as rollows: lst, I ota one and two in block three Pouth, range two west. excepting there froin foor loos in wiilth olí lrmn thesoiilh sldethereof 2(ll'omnieicln'j;on the sovith west corner of blonk threo BOUth, ranjfe one west, thince iiinnintr north on the west line of said bloek one hundred and tven'y tlvw leet, thence east purnliel wilb thosouth line of said block three and one h -lf n dB, thenee soutli piirallrl with the weft line to the south line of said block thence ot to the place of bejfiniiïce. 3d,ComuienclnK at a poini three and one half rode cast of tho BOilthwest corner of Ijlock threo -outh. ranircono w s , thonce rutiniiijr norili patall. 1 with Ihe woit lino of suid bloek, one Imndred and twenty-Uve feer, llniice mist par Hel wit so'.th luie ihreo und one-uulf rorts, thence s' uth pirallel wilh tho w'si line tothes'iuth line f said bl'K)k tlicn. e west "n south In e of block to the pbice 01 beKinnins 4ib,C'oniniein'inj.'ft the som h-east corir r of lot eluht in bloc ihree south of Hurón treet' range mn west. acciuUiiK to the plat of w m. Maynard's nddltlon ami runnmg cast on the pouih of lo nuinhcr hlne, two rods, I henee norih two lO'ls e8t Of Ilie Ml lineof said lot. oue clinln and thlrt-six link-, thi'iice wi Kt two rodí, thenen south on line of said lot (me chain and thirty-six links to the i'lacc of In f iniiiM ai d enst mie rod in w d h 1 ff from iho coiuli hunlred and twentyflve feei In lenuth of ots soven and eijiht In süld bl.iek e south, range one west. fith. Commeuclni-'ai aj;oint. In inew8t lineof block thnesouth. range one west, in Wm tí. M lyiiaid'saddlilon.onehy dred and IwentyBv feet ni'ith uf the s nth west corner of -uid blo k, t henee running north on the wert llnO of said block fif ty 'eet, thenee ea t paral] 1 wlih tlie s.inth line ■ f lot s' In said iJook totno vesi eornrof lot ten In snd bloek. thence touth on tho wst li e of said Int tlfiy feet. 1 h nee wi sr parallel with he doiith line of said block 10 ■ he place of betrlnnlDflTi IIENItY .1. M.WN. Administra tor. ;KTOL PÍLU VI -vr. -N Orluinulcini nly Ceiui::c A ''y'ytuK cure íwr rjllabto. ladilví K LMyESLASa ( 1 1 Itad tM iiM m,-.MSSJS - ll" ■ " ' '" ■ "'■ "Uc y O tilt. on tiaUimilHiont. ,1' ruKI. orMnd 4c W i., ttarnpa Inr Imrtldular, i -itnionlali au I V5 ff Muil. IO.O6OT-l,i"iMi-l. Kamt fnr. Sold bj uil Lotl Driilu. i'Ulli.)U4., F. pi K. WILLIAMS, VT. Mtoraer ú Law and Pension Claim Attomev, MILAN, MICH. Coaveyanoinï and Colleotions.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News