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Notice to Credltors. ÜTATE QF MIÜÜIUAN, COUNTÏ of Wiislit'-imw u, Nollce is hercby tricen, Hl at by mi ordir of the l'rohate Onurt for the (jou n tv of Wnihti'niiw. mode nn tho inureciuhdajr of Januari A. 1). 1195. si uionllis trom that datu wt-re all'iwjd for iredlio: in prroelil ttieir m-1 airninst. the pstfito of Einüy L. Ianci:rt lateof suid coilDtT,d8oed,an'l lliat Hll ere. tor ui said (U'ceaseil me required to pr sent 1 lielr Haimi to said Probate Courtjal 'lic l'rohate Olhoe in tlie city (f Amt Arbnr, for pxami nut ion and allowance'. on or lieforc the flftoeu'h duy of July. nexti and tliat Biich claims will be heard befare sniü comt, on the üftrenth day of April, and on the tlfticnih day of July next. ai len oYluck ia lnv fofenoon of ench ui said day. Dnted.Ann Arbor, January lñ, A. T IRÜa. . WIL1.AHI) IIAltmiT, Judeeof l'rolinic Estáte of Horace Carpenter. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oi Wfislitenaw, B8 Ai a be sgion ol the Piohate C'iurt fur tlie County ol Wahteimw, hoMni at the Prnbaiü üflire in the city ot Ann Arbor, od Kriday, Ilic twelfth duy of Airll, in th vear 'one thousatid eight bundred aud ninety live. l'rrafiil, -I. Willnrd llabbitt.Jiidtf of l'rnb:itc. In the matter oí tbc entnteof HoraCJ Carpentei'. de' o d. (in mtilln! umi flline thepetition. duly vcrifl, of Nwlaud ('. ' rpeuttrprvlnglliat :i ctrtuln In■inimeni iiow nn BIm In tlJ courl, porporllnir W be a trtif copy cf a lost will anti tcMtiTtient of fsa d ()enni-t il nim be adniiitt (1 to probutt and that nilininistiiltiuii of sai'i estute iniiy be uninli d to l'iiusrlf.aiul 'os nh H Varee, the cNPcuioiain snd opy 'f lust will naiued, ,'or to otlier ■ullnblv per-on. 'I heieupoi' ti isordered. that Monday, the l.'ithday of 'av next, at ten o'ctock in ihe fort'noon beassim-a lurtbe hearinirofMid ]et ition, nnd that the devisecs. leñatees and hein at luw of said deceiisedand all other pt-ronsinterested in eaid efi tute, are requirtd t pppar at a eesMon of flHld court, Ihen t o be holden at the Probate thfl oiiynf Ann Arbor. od nhow cause, if any thcre be wliy tliprajer of the petitioner should nut le pranted. And it is further ordercd thst ald petitioner jrive notice to tLe penous interesteil in naid eatute. ot the pendency ol said petillon nnd the hearing causinff a copyoflhin trltr to be publitthed in the Anm Ahbok Akouh. a nuwKpaper printed and circu latid inuaid county three sttcréssive weeke prerfoua tu said day of lieannir. J. WII.LACD HABRITT, (A tn:e copyj Judgeof l'iubule; W'm. G Dotv Probate Kecister. Notice to Creditors. . TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY OF Wiuhtennw, ps. Notice Is hureby ulvra.thotbr an ortlcr of the i'rotmtc Court lor the Cuunly of 'ahtenaw. mude n the 4H1 dny ol' March A. l. IS!) . six months from that dlltc wura nllowi-d for creilitorn to present their t-raims naiuat the ostntü of l.vdia Huthcrland, late ol said county, dcieased.' and that all uicditora of said dfceasod are required 10 present their claims to ail Probate Court, at the l: róbate Olliou 111 the ei t v oí Ann Arbor, for exatnination an-l al liiwance, on or bufore the 4th day of .September next, itnd that stich claims will lie Inaid bcloro ad Court on Ihe 4th day of June and onthe4th day of SeiMemiier next, al ten o'clock in tbe lorenoonof eacli ot said days. Dated, Aun Arbor, March 4tb. A. O. f5. J. WILLA'tD DABItlTT, Judve ol Proi. ate. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY" O nl Wiighlenaw, ss. Notice is hereby glven, Inat by nn order of the Probate Court foi the (Joiwtj of Waslilenuw. made 011 the tenlh day of January. A. I) 1S95, six mouths from ihat d.te were allowcd for creditor to prwrnt Ihelr ! cUira agtlolt the eBtnle of J'ilin Flynn, lul nf ml i'Diinty, deceased, and ilmt all credilor of said ileoeaseil are required topresent theirclaim tos iid Probate Oourt, at tbe l'robate Office in the 1 city ot Ann Arbor, for cxamination and allowance, on er belore the tenth day of .lulv next, and thatauch claims will beheard before aaid Court 11111 tho tentli day of April, and on the tenth day of .luly next at ten o'olock 1 in the fortMioon of each of said days. 1 Dateó, Ann Arbor. January 10, A. 1". lSflS. J. WU-I.AUL) IIABBII'I', Jullie O' P obate "W". HBRZ, NO.4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sjg, Okamesul and Fresco Painter, idldlnfir, calolmlning, g-lazing and paper bang All work is done in the beat style aud ■varrantod to tri "e eattsfaction. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Igent for the following Kimt CIhsh Compaiiicv repre80ntfng over twenty-iight Mitlion Dollare Asseta, isbuch polioieeat tbe lowf'M ratee Etna of Hartford $9,192,fl44.00 Franklin of l'hila 3,1 18,71H,0Q, Germaniiof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N. Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 S. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 Xational, Hartford 1,774,505.00 fhenix,N.Y 3,759,036.00 Special attuntlon f(ivu to tb inaurane of rwelUngi, schools, cburcnn and public bulldinf B Urme of Uree and fle reve


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News