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Johanna Logue Disappears

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In February, 1879, Logue and the ' man carne to this city. Meanwhile young Cutaier had bccome a barber and Logue bought out for him the business of his foriner employer, Wiüiam Matthews, and fitted it up as a shop for Cutaier, Logue and Johanna living with him in the dweiling portion, which was expensi vely furnished. A few duys nfter this Logue and the womm went to New Sfork for a - i short visit. There Logue feil In .v i t li another burglar named Qeorge Mason, and on the evening of Fob. 20 the two mon lofo for Boston, telling Johanna thoy would return shortly. The following Tuesday Logue returaed mul found lus wif e gone. decante to Philadelphla and went to hls home. There lic found Cutaler, his journeymaD Frltz Kekert, and i young apprentice named Harry Frloke. Cutaier told hito that the last ho had Been of Johanna was on the preoedlng Saturday. Logue at onco thought that ahe had eloped with Peter Burls, but it was found that this was a niistake. Logue scarchod the country lar and wldefor her, but to no avail. At the time of her disappearanee the woman wore jewelry worth tá.OOO :;nd had In the bosom of hei iour il. 000 governrnent I When th.jy moved do the Bleventh house in 1879 Logue had seereted sevi d ol 1 bonds under the carpet of tho stairway, telling no ono but Cutaier where thcy were. When he returned from New York he found that Cutaier had stolen one of the bonds and sold it to the Drexels for $1,045. Cutaier and .is wife lived at the house for a year alter Johanna's disappearaneo, when a foul odor coming from under tho kltchen Hoor made the woman so sick that they were eompelled to movo away. After that aearoh was' made for Eckert, the journeyman, and at ilrst seemed to be hopeless. Finally Detectives Geyer found him in a barbel shop on Houston street, New York, where for a long time ho had been shavlng fram rw :iiy to thirty metropolitan polioemeu a week. Frioke was found in PnUadelphio. His niind booq after became unhinged from trlghl and it beoame necessary to sen'd mm ro the In sane depai-tmont oi the Pbiladelphiu pi tal. After be bad been sent there, it wa found by some s trans superintendent o h ho v. ns lodged was Alphon-.o Cutaier, Sr. father of the accused murderer, and Kriek hastily transferred to another yard. After Cutaier's arrest Beveral attempU wero made to extort a con fession trom him, and he narrated a mimber of detailcd sto",ls of the crime, naming Logue as tho pprpetrator, but eventually he broke dowu and on April 17 told the true story. He said that when the woman signifled her intention of returning to New York she was intoxicated and ha induced hei to wait until he could aocompany her to the station. He took her upstairs and made her get bed with her clothe on. Then, he avers, to prevent her from getting away before he could po with her he bound her hand and foot. This was at 7 o'clock in the evening. Four hours latei he fouud her lying on her face, with hoi head .under the bolster - smothered to death in an evident attompt to break her bonds. The noxt day he buried the body under the kitchen floor. He admitted having taken lier jeweU. but denied any knowledgo of the $1,000 bonds whieh she was snid to have in her bosom. His story ol the woman being accidentally emothered is genorally discredited.


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