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Intcrlincd "Celluloid"Collars and Cuffs turn water likc a duck's back aml show neither spot nor soil. They are uot effected by perspiration, and ahvays look as if right out of the box. When they get soiled yon eau clean tliem in a minute by simply wipittg offwith a wet cloth. These are but a few of the advantages of wearing the "Celluloid" Collars and Cüfis. There are many others that ycu will rcadily discover the first time j ou wear one. They are tbe only waterproof interlined collars and cuiís made. Be íure t o get the germine, with this trade inark Elluloiq stamped inside, if you desire perfect satisfaction. Made in all si; styles. If you can' dealers, v.c will eend sample postpaid, on receipt of price : Colla; each. CufTs, 50 cents pair. State size, and whethcr you waut a slaud-up of turned-down collar. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 4vi"-Ü Itroiulivuj, KKW YItK. LAND PLASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRflINTILE. LOUIS ROIÏDE, Main Office - 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. Y)t A. MAC IACHLAN, M. D. Diaeasoe of tho EYB, EAK, NOSE and THROAT Office, cor. oí Mnin and Washington Streets. Residence, 14 S. State Street. Resldence phone, No. 128. Office telephone No. 131. Hours; 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. EISENBARTH LIVER PILLS Will stiraulate a sluggish system into fiealthy aclion. MANN'S DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. H WHITE TOKAY The Best for all Purposes, MAMBKOS., Drng-gistg, 39 S. Main St.' - TANN ARBOR. A. GRAND OFFERI rif CË FACE BLEACH yfPtrp. MME. A. RUPPERT yjj?j tvVv ■yss "Iappreciatetbexaok ivmitsír' %mL tnft' there nro ninuy thouTimt JiWw sandsoílad'i 'Mnili'-rnitcd nm irifflnrr &tatcsunt .-.. muí iik.t try . M 'Cg my World-Konownt'd Kace "tfiirfVfc ICT vM BtBACH: but huve been 3Bk V kept from dointy eo on acTSL U" Br5 COuntofprk-e.whH.hisi2.00 L?áí ::iouletuken ÍH3JreX" _ SH tojretber. 5.00. jn order ■AM B that aM of thess may hnro St iS anopi)rtiiníty,I wiil íive 'P ' to every oaller, abaolutely ■ ■? free, a sumple bottle, and m. i L66-J'lnordrí()t,uiiPlythusoout - -ofcity.orlnnnypnrlof tlie world, Iw!ll&end itsofely packcdin plata wrapper all clwimes prepaid, f or 25centü, 8ilv(;rorBtajnp." n every case of íVeckle, pimplos, inoth, sallownestsblackheads.acne.ecyetnniilinoss.rouírh- ncss, or ar.y ateolomt!ip or dtipnneol ( and wrlnkles (not caused by fnoial ezpreí Ion) Fach Hi,:mtt -i-inopes abselntoly. Tt does not cover Tip, as cosmetica do, batís acure. Address MAOAHE A. KUrPEKT.CDepuO) No. 6 Eastl4thSt., NEW YORK CITY THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. (The only Art 7Jori(]ica] awarded a Medal at Mie World's Fair.) Invahiábte tooll irTio ictki to malte thelr Uving bu art or (o mnke thnr ttomi I '" autiui Pnr lili we wi" Bená to any mie m k rui i Vb mentlonlng this 1(1 tion a specimen oopy, wlth Hiiporb JL w W (olor piales (foroopylng or iraininv) :.M1 8 Mipijlenieiitary pages ofdesiyns (regular prioe3fio). Or I'OH 5c we will sond also "Painlinií for Hfinners" (0 pages) JIONTAI.I IC MAHKN, 3 tJnloti Square, Jt. V. Estáte of FlaviusJ. Comstock. CTATE OF MICHIGAN', COUNTY OP Wasntennw, ss. At a session of tte Probnte Court for County of Wasbtenaw.liolden at the Prnb[e in üie City of Aun Arbor on Friilny, the 511 tiay ot April in the rear onetbousund eiíhthuBdred and ninetv-five it, J.Wiilard Bsbbitt, Jndge ór l'rohate. In tbe matter of thc eslate of Flavina J. Con,aíocíi, deceat1 cd. On reading an'l flling the petition duly verified of Altai A. Conutock, prayiijr that a cerlaln )nvlmment now on file ti thls court, purporttng to be last will and tfltn)ent of aÜ deoeiisea may bi dmitUd io w b ,te, and thatadiiiiiiistratimi witli tbr rill annex ed, ot said estáte inny bornii-ilt.. berseli,(l no executor !n s. jd vrill nainnl), or to uime otber biutahlc person. ■pon it is ordered, that Morí lay, the Gth rlay of May next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon Of a.ili;nd ior the hearing oí said petition. and that tbe devisees, legatees nnd deirs-at)aw of eaid deceased and all other persont interetl"l in said estáte, are rtquíred to appeur at a sessiou of sniil court, I hen to lie bolden at tho Probate Office tu tbe city of Aun Arbor and show cause, if any there be, why tho prarer of the ln'titioner should not be ■rranted Aud it u furtber ordered that 8aid petitioBer give notíce to tfce persons intrested in said estáte of Ihe pendeocj of aaid petition and the hparinp i i iinvr a copy of this order to bo piiblisheii in tbeANH Arbor ArííUS, a newspRpeiprinted snd eurciUated inaid rnunty tbreo successiTOweekíprpvious toaaiddayof hearinir J. WILLAI'.U IÏAUH1TT. (A TKtK con) jndge of Probate. William G. Wotv, Probate Rct'istcr


Ann Arbor Argus
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