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"1 I] Cl AI,1. CODNCIL CBAMBEB, ANS ARBOR, MilJ 6, 18"). f Regular session. ( allod to order by President Hiscock. Eoll called, quorum present. Absent, Aldermen Moore. Alderniaa Brown moved that the reading of the joumal of the regular session of April lOth, be deferred. Adopted. The journal of the following special session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS. FROM THE MAYOR To the Honorable, The Cornmon Council: Gentlemen : As it is not clear t o my mind how the resolution passed by your honorable body, at your session of April 15th, 1895, authorizing me to offer a reward of one hundred dollars to the person fnmishing evidence that shaJl lead to the arrest and conviotion of any one gnilty of wilfully and maliciously administering poison to any dog or exposing any poisonous substance, with intent that the same shall be taken or swallowed by any dog, can be legally complied with. Although my sentiments are in fnll accord with yonr honorable body, as I assnre you, it would give ïne great pleasure to see the misoreant broughfc to jnstice, still I flnd it my unpleasant duty, for reasons above stated, to disapprove the resolutions. Dated April 17, 1895. Warren E. Walker, Mayor. The question'of passing the resolution over the veto of the mayor was lost as follows : Yeas, Aldermen Koch, Ferguson, Shadford- 3. Nays, Aldermen Maynard, Allinendinger, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Prettyman, Coon, Bntterfleld, Cady, President Hiscock - 11. Ann Arbor, Mich., May 6, 18S)!. Office of the Mayor, To the Honorable, The Common Coiuioil: Gentlemen : I have made the following appointments subject to your ap proval : Charles H. Manley, Treasnrer. Charles H. Kline, City Attoniey. Moses Seabolt, Mernber of the Board of Fire Commissiouers. Dr. John Kapp, Member of the Board oí Health. Gottlob Luick, George M. Clarken John J. Ferguson, Board of Building Inspectors. Warren E. Walker, Mayor. Alderman Talyor moved that the appointments of the mayor be confirmec by the council. The motion prevailed as follows : Yeas, Aldermen Maynard, dinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Fergnson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - 14. Nays, none. Office of the Mayor, Ann Arbor, Alichgan, May 6, 1S95 To the Honorable, the Common Council: I have the honor to infonn yon that I have this day made the following appointments, pursuant to the city charter: Meiven C. Peterson, Marshal and Chief of Pólice. David Collins, Patrolman. Renbeu Armbrnster, Pateolman. John M. O'Mara, Patrolman. Oeorge B. Isbell, Patrolman. Warren E. Walker, Mayor. Rcceived and placed on file. City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Mayor's Office. To the Honorable Common Council : Gentlemen : I have the honor to inform yon that I have appointed as special pólice to act at the reservoir and pumping station of the water works, without expense to the city, A. W. Cockran and ask you to confirm the same. Dated May 6th, 1895. Warren E. Walker, Mayor. Alderman Prettyman moved tha the nomination be confirmed. Adopted. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS. FliOM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS To the Uommon Councl : Gentlemen : We deern it very important that the city, for the storage of tools and materials, by the board of pnDiic works, have suitable sheds and gronnds. We have have tendered to ns by Mack and Schmd snch a place which is accomodated by a side track on the T. A. A. & N. M. By., at the jnuctnre of Main and Madison streets, at the annnal rental of one hundred dollars ($100.00). We ask the priviledge of rentiug this property, and an early disposition of this matter will gratify us. A. M. Clark, President of the Board of Public Works. Alderman Maynard moved that the comnranication be referred to a special comruittoe of three. President Hiscock appointed the following committee: Aldermen Maynard, Ferguson, Coon. To the Common Council : Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works would respectfully reqnest that they be authorized, by your honorable body to have printed for their use the nocessaty blanks required in conueetion with Plumbing Rules, Sewer speeificatious aud Sidewalks. A. M. Clark, President of the Board of Public Woks. Aldennan Brcnvn moved that the comI muuication be adopted. Carried. To the Honorable Coniraon Council : The Board of Public Works subinits the following bid for your conaideration : To the Honorable Board of Public Works of the City of Ana Arbor, Michigan : Gentlemen : Answerng your proposal for sealed bids for two car loads of white swamp oak plank, for the city of Ann Arbor, said plank to be according to oitications on file in the City Clerk's office, I will say that I will deliver f. o. b. cars in the city of Ann Arbor, one car load of white swainp oak plank two and one-half inches in thickness, sixteen feet in length and not less thau six or more than twelve inches in width, for seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents per thousand feet, and I will furnish one car load of plank three inches thick, sixteen feet in length and not less than six or inore than twelve inches wide for the saine price per thousand feet. Yours respectfully, Arthur Brown. The board was authorized to purchase two car loads of plank as follows : Yeas, Aldermen Maynard, Allrnendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyinan, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - 14. Nays, uone. To the Cominon Couucil : Gentlemen : The Board of Public Works would respectfully report to your honorable body that we consider it advisable for the city to purchase one or more road machines of improved quality and cápacity. And would recomniend that the council take action upon the same and solicit competition of ruanufacturers of such machines. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. Alderman Brown moved that the communication be received and placed ou file. Adopted. To the Common Council : Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works beg leave to refer the matter of ene warar tank on JViuier avenue to your honorable body for consideraron, the board being unable to find that there is a suffieieut supply of water to warrant keeping up the tank. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. Referred to Street Committee. To the Coinmon Council : Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works would respectfnlly recommend to your honorable body that the council take snch action as is deemed advisable to the end that the following named places be iinproved to such extent as they shall be fit for travel : Comer Prospect and East University avenue, East University avenue from Prospect to Packard, Hill street between Church and Forest, Forest avenue south of Hill, Washtenaw avenue between Forest and iouth University avenues, Observatory wtween Geddes and Belser and South Jniversity avenue between Washtenaw avenue and Oxford. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. Referred to Street Committee. To the Common Council : The Board of Public Works would respectfully submit the following to your honorable body for cousideration. May 3rd, 1895. To the Board of Public Works : Gentlemen : I desire to report that the following walks in my judgement hould be rebuilt and made new : Along west side of Thayer at corner f Monroe, by the side of house No 28 Vionroe street. Along west side of South Thayer front f No 38. Along south side Hill from Sutherand's east line to Packard. Sonth side east Jefferson front of No 2. Aloug east side Thompson next south of No. 29. Along east side Mayuard in front of 21 and 23. Along east side south División in front 53 and 57. Along east side of Ashlev in front of No. 5. Along west side Third street from Liberty to Williams. And I snbmit that the following walks should be relaid and repaired : Along east side of Thompson front of No. 29. g Along east side of Sonth División in front of No. 45 And that the following walks should be repaired, Along the east s;de División and south .sido Jefferson in front and by the side of No. 4t) División, Along south side of East Jefferson by the side of house No. 50 on División. Along west side Second street front ■NT,-, o -UO. O. Along west side North Main front of No. 61 & 63. Along west side of North Main front of No. 89)L. Walks in Fif th Ward to be made new, Along east side Broadway in front of No. 12. Along west side of Broadway owned by August Herz, No. 1 7. Along west side of Broadway in front ofNo. 13. Along uorth side Moore street between Broadway and Traver street oocupied b Mort Boweu. Along east side of Broadway, fron of No. 2. Along side of Broadway, front o No. 8. Along west side Broadway, propert.. owned by John O'Hara, no nuniber. Walks in Fifth Ward needing repairs Aloug east side Broadway in frou No. 11. Along soutk side Wall street in fron of No. 30. Along south side Wall street, in fron ofNo. 10. Along west side Broadway, in fron oooper shop. Along west side Broadway, in front ofNo. 14. Along west side Broadway, in front of gravel pit property owned by Mr. Wicks. Leouard Bassett. Referred to Sidewalk Committee. To the Honorable, the Cornmon Council : Gentlemen : I would respectfully represent to your honorable body that the water drainage from a large district is concentratcd at the intersectiou of South University and Washtenaw avenues and tiled by the city on to my residence lot. In view of the difficulty to otherwise dispose of this water and of the desirability of having a low outlet so as to drain cellars and pond holes I am willing that the water shall pass across my lot provided the city will tile the same. I will be greatly obliged if this can be looked into and tiled at an early date. The city engineer made a proflle of this work last year. George W. Bullis. Referred to Street Committee. A petition from the Board of Health asking the council to lócate a dumping ground for rubbish was presented. Alderman Prettyman moved that the petition be referred to a special committee of three. President Hiscock appointed as such committee Aldernien Prettyman, Koch, Shadford. A petition signed by Bernhart Mast and four others asking for a sidewalk grade on North First street was presented and referred to Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by N. Woodmansee and 23 others asking for a fire hydrant at the corner of Hill and Geddes avenue, was presented and referred to the water and fire departrnent comniittees. A petition signed by Hndson T. Morton and 9 otliers asking for a fire hydrant at the córner of South University avemie aud Linden street was presented and referred to the water and fire departmnt committee. A petition sigued ' by M. J. Lehman aud 20 others asking for the location of fire hydrants on W. Hurón street, was preseuted and referred to the water and fire departoient oommittees. A petition signed by John J. Quincy and 3 others asking for the extensión of the water mains on Porest avenue to Wells and the location of a fire hydrant was presented and referred to the water and fire department committees. A petition signed by Josie H. Murfin and 8 others asking for an electric light at the comer of E. Hurón and 13th streets was presented and referred to the lighting committee. A petition signed by Wm. Collins and 36 others asking for a sidewalk in front of the A. M. E. church property was presented and referred to the sidewalk committae. A petition signed by Titus F. Hutzel and 14 others asking for the grading and fllling of W. Washington street between Third and Ninth streets was presented and referred to the street committee. A petition signed by George Spathelf, Jr, and 24 others askiug for a crosswalk across Moore at the Southwest end of Traver was presented and referred to the sidewalk committee. A petition signed by Froom & Craig asking for the privilege of building a porch on a building within the fire limits was presented and referred to the fire oommittee. A petition slgned by 316 business men and property owners of the city requesting the ooiincil to take action regarding the matter of sprinklng the public streets and thoroughf ares of the cty from May to October of each year was presented and referred to the water committee. A petition signed by J. A. Polhemus asking the council to allow him $105 as payment for a horse owned by said Polhemus and which he alleges died from injuries received in falling on a cement crosswalk, was presented and referred to the finance committee. KEPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEER. To tbe Honorable Cominon Council: Your Uonimittoe on Finance respectfullv report that they have taken tho followin'' accounts underconsideration and reeommend tüeir allowauce aud wurranlp ordered drawn for the same. COKTINGENT FÜND. ülen V. Mills, salary $ 65 gg Joim W. Boiiuott, sala y ." 25 00 PatrtckO'Hearn, salary. " ti M Guorjíe H. Poud, salaiy 834 Marvin Davenport, janitor work e 25 John Kapp, salary 7 6U Honry Dodsley, salary 25 00 mi.Mnore, salary. l lO WilliamF. Breakey, .salary 2k ai Schairer&Millen. supplieg " 5 Hrs. Kuhu, juuitor worK 1 vï Eobison&Co., hacks ..'. ft go Arthur Mummerj, supplies 1 ns Clay A.. Grcene, otHuö rent 29 17 í ol'l' V"vrence, legal services lo C &Tel Con. Co.,rentof telephotíe 4:; bien . Milis, supplies and postase 1 ' Josepb A. Polhemus, haoks 5 1 David Cran ford, njui jo ( ArthurJ Kitson. sen Ices '.'.. '.'.'.'.'. 47 1 Sld W. Millttrd, süppHes sf t man Publlshing Oo., supplles 7 1 Nathán D. Corbln, notary affldavít!" i Joseoh QeromHler, aervices 2' Jolin Conde, servioes Jacob Ganzñorn, serviros 44 i Koon & 1 ii ié no, renl 7 '■'■'■ We ks, wood. 1 ó( Jarni- B. Marklag, supplies 8 a &.Tgas Book Blnderjr, binding : liulck Brotbers. pole. " i Bailey & Dow, services " 5 0. Eberi aCh, Bupplles 1 s Miiinio A. Wells, typcwritinir ín Frank O'Neil, wltness ..... jj Patrie Desmond, wltnese 1 1 K. B. Pond, wiiness "' 11 B Hall, coal... n } Kobison & Cu , liveiy . James V. Green, services "" as Balley & Dow, supplles. ' - Keglster r-iiblishíng Co., priatlng"..'.'." 15 2 Marie Durbeim, typewritlng, ' 6 7 gllneri Khoües, repairs and suppUes, 2 50 Nathan D. Corhln 52 í Nat lian 1). Corüin, copyins; 'on i). Kittredge, services I 3 00 P. S. itiinliold, expenses to Port ííuron ; m .r. D. Smalley, services -,n Ana Arbor T--H. Electric Co"'iífr. Ing. " ro ni J. A. Polheinus, Üveryll.: .'.'."'.'."Y.'.'. 1 00 Total $ 1286 32 STRbET VVÜD. State Savings Bank.accounts assigned them : Dan. Crawford, labor 10 --,o Kiank Bevier " 5 j, William Lam bom, " 'j a (ieorgtí Healy, " é os MichaelKuster, ■■ ..." g li Michael Hessians, " in Vi Charles Winkler, " II" } t Jolin Lamborn' " ' 7 'r.( Wm. Bnkermann, " 11 ii George Healy, " { ) Adolph Finkbluder, ik sJ Frank Solmlty, " ? 2, MichaelKuster, " """" 7 S Alexauder Schloop, . k (if Miohael Kuster, " " S ir MichaelKuster, " SS Michael Hessian, " . 4 t Barney Mast, " 1 sr Charles Winkler, " r ïn Wm. Wheeler, " II.IIIIII;;;"" 12 Ann Arbor Savings Bank, accounts Michael Kuster, labor... 9 00 Wm. Lamborn, " „ . jq 50 Alexander Schloop " in 20 GeorgeHealy, " ... 9 oo Michael Kuster, " . ia 00 Dan Crawford, '■ 7 00 Michael Burns, " " 15 ai Frank Bevier, " .. 825 Alexander Schloop, _ 300 MarbelVex, ' a 85 ClintSnyder, " .' ls 00 Jacob Maurer, " : Alexander Schloop, ".'.".'.'.II'. 3 76 Micbiiel Heary ■ 5520 Nick Henderlong, " m .TohnSlater. " . 20 10 Niek Henderlonx, " 111 91 Edward O'Neil, ■ 4" fn Michael Williams, " 3,510 Charles Winkler, ■ g m Willis Clark, ■' ,2 M Dan Crawford, " ""' 300 Albert Schwerman, " 13 35 Adolph Fmkbinder, " . J3 sn Leonard Bassett, " 4j - Jolin McArthur, " ..'"'."" 1665 Abraham Voorlieis. " 59 10 George Healey, " " 4 50 AlexHnder Herbert, " 1770 Rii-hard Burns, " . 2100 John McHugh, " 43 on Elias Saddler, " gi gn Christian Jetter, " hio Martin Nagie, " ) (in Frank Schulty, ■' ' ]s m Patrick McCabe, " ..".'.". 26 10 Leonard Hasselt, " qö 6 Thomas Hannan, " 32 10 Wllllam Enkerman, ' II'.'.'.'.','. 13 50 William Lamborn, " .. 3 00 Gustuvus Wulters. " . r nu Alcxander Schloop, " "" 3 m 'liarles Kadke, " 225 Zeneas Sweet, " 730 Mlchael Hesslon. " .ai W.J. Bandall. " ï en Frank Sutlierland, " 150 Mlcbael Kustur, " 4 50 Frank Bovier, labor, to WülYs'ciark"'. 1 5u WiUiam Wheeler, labor 43 00 W m. Wheeler, assigned to A. E. Gibson g 75 George W. Seybold, Macksmithing!" 11 75 Total ÍJ.15Í98 SEWER rüND. Ann Arbor Savingrs Bank, accounts assiirned them: Dan Craw ford, labor $ 9 00 AlexanderSchloop, labor 1 35- $ 10 35 State Savins Bank, accounts assigned tliem: Charles Winkler, labor $ 5 10 Charles Winkler, labor 150-8 6 60 Herma 1 Hutzel, Contract on Sewer „ Distíjct. No. 2 ï 1 881 25 Geonre F. Key. salary 100 00 Frank Sutherland, labor 32 00 Charles H. Spencer, office work 15 75 Charles A. Ward. inspection. 60 00 Georpre H. Fischer, labor... 32 10 E W. Groves 87 00 ' Michiiel Williams, labor 225 ' Charles Radke, labor 3 75 Jos. Murchey, covers and screws 16 40 ' James Tolbert, sewer supplies 173 ; Ann Arbor Water Co„ connecting flush tanks. 6742 ï Leonard Bassett, treas 2 50 Total $ 2 319 20 BRIDGE, CÜLVERT AND CROSSWALK FÜND P. L. Bodmer, supplies $ 1 91 ftlianar Pinaoir onnnlinr' n nn Total ï 3 91 WATER ÏTND. Ann Albor Water Co., $ 23 00 F1RE DEPARTMENT KÜND gredSipley, galary .$ 60 00 C. A. Edwards, " ._ 50 00 VV. H McLaren, " 50 00 Max Whituing-er," , a, no Aiben west, '■ ::::::::::::::: 5000 Euffene Williams, 45 00 Herman Kirn, " 45 (q Samuel McLaren, 40 00 Louls Hoelzle, " ' 8 00 ' i 'iam Rettk-h. " ■.. g qq Ku .ai d Hoelzle, " u im W. L. Schuifrle. " " "." 8 00 M.C. Kyan, " .'. s 00 J. F. Lawrence, hay 8 73 P A. Emery, polisli 1 o !".- ' .MilliiiüCo., corn and brand...170 Biiiley & Dow, snppHes 1 86 Fire and Wtiter, subscription 3 00 Mrs. Baokans, pillow cases... 2 00 Bi...;: ii Kootli. pupplies 2 37 Mrs. K?am, wasbfng 500 Total _ 1 4;6 15 i'OLICE frTNl), P. S Biinfield, salary g5 W iwvid ColliDS, salary 50 00 Houben Armbruster, Balaty... . 50 0Ü GeorgO Isbell, salary r,(j (K) J, Polhemus, livery j flo John Conde, services 125 Uailey & Dow, supplies 3 50 Tot! 9 215 75 FOOR FUND iïredSIpley, salary $ jo 00 William Addis, meáis and lodïinir 3 10 H J. Brown. medicine .. 50 F. Burg-, ííroceries x 95 K. E. Ifeal, slioes "' 475 O. Uwyer. grrocerles. . -■-.. ' 2 fll Kdivaid Duffy, grocenes V" 4 00 Ooty As feiner. shoes - & Ali'd. Bvanb, aid .-, q Eberbttóh UrugCo., medicine '.'.'.".[ 1 ó5 .1 Kisole, groeeries 1184 .lolin (oelz & Son, groceries-.. '. 7 19 ■ mini Uoetz, jr 7 J7 Jacobs & Allmand, shoes ..... 3 i)ü VV. ;■'. Ivudlioltz, groceries... 18 7K O M. Martin, cofUn LI" 10 0 1 Win. H. Mclntyre, tfroceries 1307 ü'Hara & Boyle, groceries 6 00 O. lüiisey, sroee'ies ji i( ! RinseyítSeabolt, roceries. ... ' 11152 Uuurge dpathelf, meat 15 W. F. Stimson. groceries 9 19 Wahr & Mlller, shoss """ 225 C. VV". Vo;el, meat 2 H4 O. Zuern, meat. ...._. 1 60 Total .t"45ls BBCAPITÜI.AHOK. Contingent Fund Ï1286S' Street Fund 0$ Sg Sewer Fund ""J fSS $ Bridge, Culvert and Crosawalk Fund. ' 3 91 Water Fund 23 01) Ftre Fund 456 1 l'olico J'md. """ Z15 Poor Fund _ 154 1 Total _ s 5,640 'J Adopted as follows : Yeas, Aldermen Maynard, Allmen dinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubeugayer Brown, Fergnson, Taylor, Shadforr" Prettymau, Coon Butterfield Cady Pre sident Hiscock - 14. Nays, none. sewers, To the Cominón Council : Your coruimttee on sewers to whom was referred the report of the City Engineer relative to the oonstruotion of a lateral sewer on and aloug Hill street, btsg leave to submit the following report : Tluit we have examined the profiles and report of the City Engineer aud we are of the opinión that a lateral sewer on Hill street east f rom the main sewer is a neoessary public improvement, and that the same oiight to bé constructed, comuiencing at the main sewer and running southerly along División street, thenoe easterly on Edwin street to State street, thence n ortherly on State street to Paekard street, at which pomt three branches start, one northerly on State street two on Packard street, one running uorthwesterly, and one southeasterly on Packard street, said branches being the chief outlets of the remaindei of the district, the route of these brauch sewers and the entire district being delineated on the map of District No. 3. Your coinmittee approve the bounderies of the district and recoinmend that the Board of Public Works be ordered to advertise for bids for the construction of such lateral sewer. C. H. Cady, John Koch, Jacob Laubengayer, H. J. Brown, H. G. Prettyman, W. L. Taylor, Committee on Sewers. Aldermau Maynard moved tjiat the report be adopted. , The motion prevailed as follows : Yeas, Alderman Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - 14. Nays, none. LATÜKAE SEW'Ell DISTRICT, NO. 3. By Aldorman Cady : Resolved, That the construction of a lateral sev.or in and along Hill street easterly trom the main se-,-ror is dcemed and hereby declared to be a necessary pulbic improvemeut. Therefore the Board of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to cause such lateral sewer to Le coiistructed according to the ordinance in such case made aud provided. Resolved, further, That the" district be assessed and charged with the cost and expense of such lateral sewer be, and the same is hereby determined and fixed as follows: All l;mds„ lots and parts of lots contained in the following list, the said lands, lots and parts of lots bemg all the constituent parts of such district or temtory which inay and shall be rightfully conneoted with the Hill street lateral sewer east of the main sewer laid out in and upon the streets or alleys on which the lands, lots and { parts of lots embraced in said list have a frontage. These lands, lots and parts of lots being niarked on the map of Sewer District No. 3 on file in the Engineer's ! office. T-owit : Lawrence addition : Lots No. 1, 2, 3, 4, o, 6, in block 1; No. 1, .2, 3, 4, 5,' 6 ' 7, 8,, 9 10 in block 2; No.l, 2, 3, 4, 5, j 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, la, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, ( 18, in block 3; No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, in block 4; No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, in block 5; No 1 to 11 inclnave in block a Schairer and Kempf addH 1, A, B, C, D. E, p g ' : L Jrodswide od a nPf wm street from State str;:Vj:Edstreet. L--visuu Hill's additiou : Lota 1 to 1 i i in Hill-s addition, south t ■ "' PackanJ street. nUü-MdeOí Also a strip of land 8 rock wifl„ i the sonth-west side ofP lít" íromlot 11 HiH'saddiHnnf?. Chas. Tayíor, FrancisTekb T W' Mujer, ChristianEberbacSS land bounded WeUerT aáííH Packard street and HiU ïiïtt wbich are owned bv Mrs m p f f McConaick, Filbert L SprS' fried; also iece of g" bounded by wSSSXSÁfígi and State street, parts owued bv mf Buck Sarah Stone.nan, ffj Auna Schry'er. a Tappan, Park addition: Lots 1 to 64 inclusive. Also property oed by -! Norden bounded by Mrs. Vaughn's Br011 er ty, Tappan Park, J. P. índK'. gL erty and Parkard street. Also, Z avenue Wn, Ñóngate'-, Eva Í AUmendinger Frank Feiner, Emma Weist, and Paokard street. Also, prot) erty facing Packard street, ownea by Eya Allniendinger and Charles Tessiner Also propertty facing East Universitv avenue owned by Louisa Wildhack Frank Feiner, Emma Weist. Miller's addition : Lots 1 to 85 inolu sive. Also, a strip of land 8 rods wide on the easterly side of Wells street frorn Packard to the angle in Wells street owned by Christian Eberbach Block 7 S Range 8 E. Lots 1 to 5 in clusive ; also lot R. Block 9 E. Lots 1 to 12 inclusive. Block 10 E, Lots 1 to 14. inclusive Block 11 Lots 1 to 14 inclusive' Block 12 E. Lots 1 to 12 inclusive' Block 13 E. Lots 1 to 12 inclusive' Block 6 8, Range 7 E. Bounded by Packard street, Madison street and 'hompson street. Block 6 S. Jtange 8 E. Lots 1 to 8 Block 6 S. Range 9 E. Lots 1 to ', inclusive. Block 6 S. Rauge 10 E. Lots 1 to U inclusive. Block 6 S. Range 11 E. Lots 1 to 16 inclusive. Block 6 S. Range l:i E. Lots 1 to 16 inclusive. Block 6 S. Range 13 E. Lots 1 to 16 inclusive. Block 5 S. Range 7 E. Lots 9 to 15 inclusive, also lots 17, 18. Block 5 S. Range 8 E. Lots .2 to 15 inclusive, also lots 17 to 20 inclusive. Block 5 S. Range 9 E. except Mrs. Morris property and McMaster property. Hill addition : Block 1 Lots 1 to 20 inclusive, except part of lot 14 used for street knowD as Oakland avenue. Block 2 Lots 1 to 9, inclusive, lots 11 to 14, and 16 to 24 inclusive. Block 3, Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, lots 1 1 to 14 and 16 to 24 inclusive. Also property of G-eo. Keal, bounded by Hill addition, J. P. Judson property and Sophia Nordman's property and White street. Also property of J. P. Judson, bounded by East üniversty avenue, Nordmans property, Keal's property, White street, and Miller additiou. Olivia B. Hali's addition: Lots 1 to 6(5 inclusive. Also a strip of land 8 rods wide along the east line of White street running from O. B. Hali's addition to north line of Wells streetj Also property bounded by Hill street, Washtenaw avenue, Baldwin avenue, (Coutinued oa fourth page.)


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News