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Meade Is Tied Up

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Washington, May 1(5.- The secretary oí the navy has issued an order revoking the leave of absence granted to Raar Adíüir.d Meade several days ago When Admiral Meade became dissatisfiod, with his commaud and asked to be detached from tha commaud of the ïiorth Atlautio squadron he also nskod for a leave oí absence of a year, with permission to be abrond, saying at the same time that he would aiso in a day pr two ask to be reCírved. The request to be detached wns iimnudiately #rinted, as was the requost íor the year's leave of absence. Then oame the requast to bo retired, but before auy aetion could be taken the interview was publislu'd which has oaused so much difBculty. No aetion has ben taken non questfor retirement, but tlie aetion revoking th leave of absence lndicatea that tho reqaest for retiroment will not be compüed with. Admiral I Tiecl-Up, as It Were. The tfftcD will be to place Admiral Meade ou waiting orders, su-bject to any duiy at any rime, wiiicli dopartment mny desiro to nssign him. It was underslood th;it the Jeav ot absence granted Admiral Meade contained permission to go abroad, and he intondtd to spend the Biimmer in Burope. Hu coulit not go abrond whüe on waiting orders without violating the naval regalations. If he were not rendy to respond to any order of the liepartrueut vrhen issued ha would also bo subjucD t.o discipline for not obeying orciors. Hint to Gajjgirt Naval Oílicors, It is believed now that it is hardiy likeIv that any aetion will be taken to court martial Admiral iieade lor Iiis expression of disapproval ot the administration, as it is believed to be imposslble to obtain tostimony from competent witnossos. Civiii;iDs cannot bo obliged to testify in naval courts uiartial, although their tesCiinony may be taken if voluntanly offerred. It is not üelieved that any direct testunony against Admiral Meads can ba 50 obtained, the principal reason being that aü of it would be newspaper testimony and probably t.he newspaper that [jrinted the interview would not let its interviewer testify.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News