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Curious "hawaiians," These

Curious "hawaiians," These image
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S4N Francisco, I!ay 10 - The srearner froni Honolulú orines the news thas the decisión of Lord Kimuerly regardiner Greut Britain's positioti on the question of citissenship and proteetion to those eoncerued iu the recent uprising has just been roeeived in the casas of Walker and liickiird, convicted of treason. According to this decisión Walker and Rickard are looked upon as citizens of Great Britain and subject to protección froni that country. The decisión is particularly interesting on account of the letter reoently received froni Secretary Gresham which indicates a polioy directly opposed to tnat of Great Britain. Walker and Kickard are na'turalized citizens oí íluwaii; took an oath of allegiance to support the constttution and by-laws, and swore allegiance to the king. Walker and Kickard have made oath thac when they took the oath of allegiauce to Hüwaii t,ho kiug told ïhera it woulci nol aifet thoir Brit'.sh citizunship, che tsmish coiaiissioner ut tiie time coinekling in this statement.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News