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fstate of Ezra Honghton, QTATEOF MICHIGAN, OOUNTTT J Of WASHTKNAW. SS. Al l Ms-i.,n oí th' Probnte ('cmit lor he f'ounty ol bolden al the Prohate OlfiVe in ihe City ol Arbor, on Wedr.o-dHv. the 8th d5 ' May, in the year one tbous:iml eiïit hnndrtíti and tui 'y-five. Present. J. Willard Babbitl, .Judire ol l'roi.ate. In "the matter ol ihf eatnle ot Fzr.i Hou,htou, deeeased. Ou readtDg tihI Uling the petition, duly vorifted, of Marv Thurb c nnhn; that the curl aljudlcaleanii deteimuie whoarRjjr were 'h heirs at law of said deceased. Thereupon t ia (jrdcrtd that Monday, the 3rd day of June next, at ion o'clock in Ibe or noon, be asiKDed for the hearing oí said pctition, and tlmt. the hel ra at law ol sald decetsfd, and all otlit-r persons I&terested In sid estutc, are requiretl to appear it :t Hension )f smd court, theu Lo be bolden ut the probate office, tn ihecityol nn Arbor, nel sliow c;ui-e. if invth re be.why the piaer of the petit ion ei shouHl nol he granted. And it s furlher ordered, that suid pet ilicmer;ve notice to ihe persons int-rc8ied in siiid estáte, ol the pendoiicy ol aid petiliou, and tlie hearing llionnf by cnuslng a oopy ol ihi order to br published in the Ann Aroor Argu, n. newspapel irlmed and circula' ed in said county, three euoeative weeks previous tosnid dv i hearïug, J. VVII.LAKD BABHUT, Judtie of lrobftte. ( A truecopy.) Wii.i-iam U. DoTY, Probate Ilcgister. Commissioners' Noice. QTATEOF MICHIGAN, COUNÏY 0 of Wücbtennw. The undersiccned harlnü icen appoiutt'd by the Probate Court for said ountji iveeive, examine utitl adjust fïll claims and demands of all person against the estáte of Emeline Drako, Inte 01 s;iid county, deceased, bereb givt: noi ice thai lix months fruni date ire allo wed, by order of said ?robaie Court, for creditors to present their claims againstthe eslate ofaid deceased and that tncv will meet at the otüoe of Elihu 15 Pond. in Ihe city of Ann Arhor, in said county. on the l7th day of July, aud on the 17111 day ol Oclober, next, at ten o'clock a n. of each of snid da s, to receive.exniuipp and adjust said claims. Dated, April 17, 1895. ELIHU B. PONT), COMSTOCK F. HnVL, Coraini?sionors. Notice to Creditors. (JTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wushtenaw, ss. Notice is bertby given, tnat by an order of the Probate Court foi the County ot Washtenaw, made on the tenth day of January. A. D IP95, six months from that d,.te were allöwed for creditors to prraent their lAiinH against the estaie ol Jihn Flynn, late ftf said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims tosnid Probate Coart, at the Probnte OlHce in the city oí Ann Arbor, for exarainruion and nllowance, ; on or before the tenth day ol' .Tulv next, i and that such claims will beheard before said Cotiri on the tenth day of April, and on the tenth day of July next at ten o'elock iu the forenoon of eacb of saín days. Datec, Ann Arbor. January 10. A. T. 1895. J. W1LLAIID ItABBITT, Juiie o' P.-oha te Estáte of William R. Tuomy. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw es. Atasesmnn ol the Pro. bateC'cmrt or ihe county of Wasbtenaw, holden at the Probate ( 'fflre in the city of Aun Arlior on Wednesday, th" 17ih day of April, ia ihe year one thousandeight humlreri and ninely-five. . resent, .1. Willnrd Babbitt, Judge ol' Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte oí William R. Tuomy, deceased. On reading and filing the netition, duly verifi'dof Ioviia Tuomy, praying that a certain instrument now im flle in this Court, purpirling to be the last will and testament of aid deoeased, may be admilied to probate, and that ndini-iistration of said estáte may be granted te Kbenezfr Sniith, the ejecutor in said will namcd, or lo som olher suitable person. Thereupon it is oidered, that Friday, the lïth day of Mar, next. at ten o'elock in the lorenoon, be asngned for the hearing of said pelition. and that the devisecs, legatees and heirs at lawcf aaid decesed, and all olher persons interestcd in said ostale are required to nppenr at a aesslpn of said Cuurt, then to be holden at the Prohnte Office in tbe city of Ann Arbor, and suow canse ií any there le, why the piayer of thepetitionershould not be graoted: And it is furtheroi deredtbat said petitionerive notice tothe persons interesled in said estáte of the peodeDCy of said petition and the hearinu theieof ly cauaingácopy of thisordtr to be puhlislicd in the Ann Arboe AkOUS, a newspaper printe.1 and circulaud in said county, threesucceseive week." prevloua 10 said dav ol beariOL " .7. WILLAUD BABBITT, [A true copy.l Judge of Proban Wm. G Udty. Probate Retdster. Estáte ot John W. Hunt. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O ol Washtenaw, 88. Atasessionofthe Probate Conrt for the County of Washteoayr, hldeo ! :ii lbo Probate Office in the City of Am ArÏKjj, ou Friday, the oih day of April, in the yearone ttousanfl eight hundred and ninety-flve Present, J. Willaid i.abbitt, Judeeof Probate. In the mattei of the estote of John W. Hunt, dt-feased. Bdward H.'HuDt, the admlnistratorof suiil es. tate, ooines into court and representa that be Dowprepared to recder bis fin il account a suon administrafor. Thereupon it is orderod, that Tufsday. thcïltt ; dav of May, next, at ten o'clork no the forenoon, I beassigned for eiamininii and allówing sach ae comit.and that the heirs at ln ol said deceuscd. and all otlier persons interested insaid estáte art required to sppear at a session of sai3 court, then to Do holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, il any there be, why the said account shouid not be allowed. And it ia furtlier ordcred, that suid administrator giva uotice to the persons interubtud in said estáte of the pendency of said account and the hearitiK tbere''f. by causinsí a copj of this ordertobe publiuhtd in the Ann Abbob Argus, a uewspaper printedand -irculatingin said connty, three succeasive week previous to said day 01 hennng. J. WILLARD BAUB1TT, [A truecopy.] Jndge of Probate. Wm. (j. Doty. Probate Keülster Estáte of Elizabeth Norton. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Ataaessioo of the Protutc Court tur the county of Washteii uv, holden at the probate othce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tui-s'lay. the 30!h dny ol' April in the year thousand eight huiidr i and niiuty-livc. i, .1. U'i lard Babbitt. Jui ge of Probnte. In iIil in.itier ot tbe etateof Ëlizabetli Morton, dec (.; orge A Smlth, administrator de boni non, with th wili unnexed, of stil eetate, coqk cour; and wpresi Dte that he is now prepar'd to itrder his Bnal llccount a suoh admlnistialor. fliercn pon it ik ordered, that Tuesilay, t; day of May nexti al ten o'clock in ilit fo i nun be assigned forexaminingandallowln account, ana tht the de1sees, legatees heirt. at law of satd deoeaeed, and all other pei ti-ieHli" '' saiil''S'a'.i', are rcquiiv.l to pp Beucion ol' said court, tben !■ be bolden at t'.c i', i, the city ol Ann A rbor. in said eoiuity, and .ihow cause, i) anT there be, why tbe ccount sbonld not be allowed. Ann it fofur ther ordered tbal said adonniatraror give noticetfl tlieperionsinterested in said Bstate.ofthep i oi' aid account and the beanng thei causing :i c]iy of this order to be publisuedin the Ass .kbok Argus, a uewspaper prtnted surf clrculating in said county threo BUCceSHiTe weck? previouu to sairi dav ofberintr. i J. WlLtARD BABItlTT, A trueoopy.) .ludge ol' Probate. William G. Doty. Probate Keirister.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News