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A SPECIAL SALË V FOR TWO WEEKS We ñnd in looking over our stock that we have too many goods on hand, and in order to reduce the surplus, we will offer every thing for the next two weeks at greatly reduced prices. This is an opportunity which should be taken advantage of by.all in need of any thing in the line of Dry Goods. JOOKJLT THE GREAT BARGAÏNS. Dress Goods. Blask Fif ureTchÍBa Silks Ciifton Surrahs eau aKd "see. FBENOHCNOVELTIES. K2 S !", ve Ltaw'fde reT "'" ""' lead '" V"" extr.ordin.ry im "- Snrrah, EBT A few piece. of Fig,,red Inthosewetakethelead. We faUUUd „ a,i„„ wldcl, Z O'g", 22 in. wide, eelling (? miss this rare ppor' f'11? e'j sold over or connter. China left, 24 in. „Me, which ,how you a complete line of the can cali oer „, in handlïng snoh 80e, formen price, 1.'25. g ■■L , T,d e01I' ' '"" 'd' cMd$1.00, your choiee, latest French weaves in attractive fabrics as our ladies detnand. To Bengelenes, 21 in. wide, going . 18 . ot the newest designs, 24 F cehades; sellingfast. This we close day we cali your attention to the at 89c' former Price, $1-20. lde' selling at 82c, instead . ___ - out at 39c, others will ask you fact that we still lead. We can Peím De'Soie, Satín Duchess, oí $!-25. Cllirt Ilfnintn LzteLü ■&Ö& s-W sutó GOLORED ñilñrM '" í)jliri " 31SIS- - Hl :j tapools, Batistes lsfy yui U WMllíi xn Figured, Changeable Taffa A elegant new line and at very Plaids piasarïx'ïre fohinTinDn LSíHalS"? NS&SSSS isasrw L5á3 owV,r -- .T r„T„To P,ie 1 3ö!6 unen, 'ssí'rsssk'ss -.y chwfrkg%ñ.-nore [me of these, and have decided to d F „,.. . ask you $1.15. - __ ë place them in this great sale. 38 ë " Whlle our stck in this line is . . : ■ nches wide, at 25c, former price FRENCH SEEGE, 46 inch. wide, jnot lai'ge, it still has sorae very f 1 ie 1 !1 HSÏ CliyilFfiV Wc. selling at 90c, former price, choiee patterns in Germán ani IXgQ SvDP(,nnC i V 1 Á UIVft . $1.25. Insh Demask, and the prices we JLl XJ f 'O'V-iVJ.V ff ff i 1 i.9 II taar f ones. ss s. - - - ■ -■ - .z - .., - (yn r underwear. In these we have a few pieces SEfRGE' 36. inclf wide at 3c' M - I, ! Lancastors at 75c, worth $1. J.S eft, and will close them out at a foner price, 55c. I3DKinS A gd Marseilles Spread for All the new things : Dimities, Egyptfan Shane rice that will astonish yon. 38 HENRIETTAS, 46 inches wide, ■ $1.00, former price, $1.35. Insh Lawns, Printed Organdíes, Jersey, nches wide, at 15c per yard, at 85c, former price, $1.10. We can give you these to match The balances of the stock at D"cks, Sateens. Our line of PerSwiss 'and ormer price, 35c. HENRIETTAS, 45 inches wide TabIe Linen or otherwise, all equallJ Jow prices. Ask to seo ales' jn fancj stripes, Reds and Richelieu Ribbed for at 60c, former price, 90c. ' sizes and kinis, at popular prices. onr "émstitched Marsceilles qnilis 8 tor shllt waist' cn not be Ladies and Children. urench Serges, henriettas, k inches wide, T _ - t e are beauties _ a s saie O at 49c, former pnce, 75c. ■ UWE cuppTc at OOST. This season's imporcations in all H-pNTÍTFTTAM o8 nh , " ' J I O MND , . . . he new shades, 45 inches wide, at f Werticè 40" ' In these we are pleasê PILLO W CASES W Hite GOOClS. ;omg at 63c, instead of 85c. r you A nice Huck Towel, colored TinQT"D"DV ' border and hemmed at 10c each We have n laree lilK! r' these Mul1 a'la Suisca, XXWOJLJCj XI X ML: ft. J SIIiKWARPrS Wehaveonly made of the best brands of CotSilk Mulls, Bi!! Hl l!nri!Q about 20 dozen of the8e,and they tons' and can sdl them t0 '11 at Long Cloths, Here we are also in the lead ÏI llSfJ UU! UU, Silk Warp Alma, 48 inch. wide, won't last long. very low pnces, in fact less than Corded Diminity, and intend to stay there. Onr We have a complete line and sellinS at $1-40, former price, A large Huck Towel, 22x40 for the cloth bJ the .yard would cost. India Linens, line of Black and Tan Ladies' sfresh as field daisies, 42 iñches $L8525c, worth 40c. Dotted Mulls, Hose at 25c, equal those sold at ftle, 79c, former prioe, $1.00. Silk Warp Gloria, 46 inch. wide A plain WhiteHuck, with "DT A TVTITTPT'Cl SfLwnl i j a. ■ mO8t Placess for c. - - at 75c, former price, $1.00. -titehed border, 17x32, for 15c, ijAJN && O. . úTSttí 20 doz.Men's Heavy socks,lOc, 1 VkJvJI SO. at 59c, former price, 75c. rp A ,larSe lme of öne Damask hand, and will seil them to you 40 doz Men's Heaw socks o 1 H.T1 w „ . in, . Towels, at very low prices. a great deal less than we will next ' 5 mir for 9k„ j ' ot' s ftt?" .SïïSSSats f lotions } Lz 1wmer price, $1.00. Silk Warp Henrietta, 40 inches tities. 'MFCTIPC Hnse at 12ic a pair, everywhere wide, 75c, former price, 551.10. ! . ?i IfiCO I IU5 ■- ■ We have nearlv every thintr else 15c% ■ n F i ' ! nilflft f"BA"ln Fayetta, $1.10, former price, TnTSf ïrn-nnlllrt?M Our line was never more and jast now are showing a very In line Hosiery we have an eleJ UW til I UI $1-50' M''l srUliUIIQIU plete' and our ï)rice8 we wil1 fine hne f FanS' Fll"c-V Bdt g;iIit lui' and will save you These t , He''iettas in a11 " I' Jli IC I II] Backels, Shell Hair Fins, etc. money. These new tno-toned eöects are these we defy competitioD. We HUUálüi U111UÍU. . ks for 46oTyi r J }' kü0W we have the "ghtgoorfs, -M5 20 dozen Swiss embroidered ] IMlMfCi I m 1 i r-+ Pníínn Qn-hHv, rmer t, . 1 no C' ÍndieS WÍde' closing 0Ht ilt 31c' Handkerchiefs. never sold for les UÍÍÍÍIÍO. FKCF Si Oö7Ö 0011111 g. !h formerprice, 65c. than 25c ; now 20c, or 3 for 50c. We have ,,,,vthin, t-' We cai,,. Ae best , üf bat_ loVfTO Mn 0i Serges, in all thé popular shades J" Gent s and Ladies' Linen date. Gfass Cloth. llair Oloth, If there is any thing you want tÍ!)g '"de, and will make yon ö ' -'- stnctly all wool, at 31c, forrncr U1(i Ootton üandkerchiefs, we, Taffcta, LiiKtuiin, Fiber Fabric, we have got it. " fx-tter .rices than can be got from To these we eall 1 Price 5Oc' l''6 l hu'ge Hne'" and our prices Percalines -ll(l Silecias, and onr uy otlier concern. ttenfinn tv, 1 } sPec)al __ discount all others. prices Jead. ttention, they are known to many - r,:r,2rvh;::rrr " 7'" . , oorsets. apiF: Ëackintnsfops Feattersiown over our counters 45 JPPf! Tl Kniyf" i i , ïïBHUlVÏII lUÖIlUÖ EV j uiu counters, éö JL Cdi 1 K_JIlli Li. In these we have the correct We stiLI have a Ppw 'doyn Vf w' tftT; Pn - BMt SUM M„de. & ,g,,lat 3 .SS L rgU ïiTJ! P„r r r we „ . ,„g, . Jk" SWiüï 'ás fcuuui,. tüI ,e. line in the Iate8t style. Feathers. BACH & ROATlT NO. 26 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. May 26, 1895.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News